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  1. Eharmony420

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    here are some day 46 pics. 400 watt. 55k hid hut bulb. NL, marijauna seeds n.l. Gh 3 part, hydorguard, bloombatic, kool bloom. 4 in rockwool cubes in turbogarden 5.25 in pots with mini cubes making up the diference. #x3 botanicare ebb and flow table. Tepms at 75 or so avg in day and 67 avg at...
  2. Eharmony420

    Widow Cindy, ebb and flow in rockwool from seed. The Epic.

    I am happy at least that I have not nuted yet and killed them or damaged them. Lol, that is a prob I have. My ppm meter works though and with ro water now I should be ok.:)
  3. Eharmony420

    Widow Cindy, ebb and flow in rockwool from seed. The Epic.

    Well, here is my update! day x. remember I was off to a slow start. I was using h202, 24 hour tapwater, adn superthrive. I noticed slow growth so I switched to ro water, hydroguard, and superthrive. I then got some growth. To date I got 3 widow cindy seeds going. regardless of what it looks...
  4. Eharmony420

    whats yout opinion on night ventilating?

    thank you all. i did this last night. i took the lid off one of the ozone generators. i put it in the exhasut duct. i am letting it run 24/7. it works perfectly. like it was supposed too.:)
  5. Eharmony420

    Best Grow Media for Ebb & Flow

    just checking in. i use 4 in rockwool cubes in 5.25 in turbogarden pots with mini cunes making up the diference. 3 girls outa 12. only 1 is healthy as the 2 got pre nute damage and never made a full recovery. the healthy girl is loving it. HUGE! at least i think. the other 2 are, well, lets...
  6. Eharmony420

    Advanced Nutrients Overdrive VS. Atomi Bloombastic

    you guys think that i can add kool bloom or big bud to bloombastic? the hydro guy said no big bud with bloombastic but he did not know i was growing mj.
  7. Eharmony420

    whats yout opinion on night ventilating?

    should i be oulling and extracting at night? how much air do they need at night? i have turned off the circulating fan but am running the exhaust. this is a lot of air. the currnet shud be good. it is depressing because that is so much smell. i can handle it. the gro brite charcoal filter i...
  8. Eharmony420

    got a girl that is bad. a real girl.

    never tried that, but maybe I should make a call.
  9. Eharmony420

    got a girl that is bad. a real girl.

    lol:wall:\ these tents we got are perfect body disposal devices. Shit, i have 2 charcoal filters and 2 ozone generators in stock.:fire: never smell a thing, decompostion wise!
  10. Eharmony420

    got a girl that is bad. a real girl.

    sorry about the spelling. Lol, sometimes i just type like shit. reading over your own shit stoned it makes sense anyway. yeah, i just smoked some sativa. i dont know what it is, but I like it. She did not call me tonight. she called all day. i must be dealing with another personality now. i...
  11. Eharmony420

    Advanced Nutrients Overdrive VS. Atomi Bloombastic

    oh yeah bloom bastic is 0-20-21 with enzymes and i read flower enhancer and bud stimulator? i forgot.
  12. Eharmony420

    Advanced Nutrients Overdrive VS. Atomi Bloombastic

    Bloombastic! I got some. It came as a free sample. It is amazing, with its enzymes and such. I know, i am vauge, i am a nub to the additives and growing in general. this is my first real grow. but i read all the papers on it and it was organic and what i wanted for my hydro grow. for my 4th...
  13. Eharmony420

    got a girl that is bad. a real girl.

    thats the shit i was waiting to here. :hug:
  14. Eharmony420

    got a girl that is bad. a real girl.

    i hear that. rofl. i got a diabetes needle i leave laying out. that will scare her away.
  15. Eharmony420

    got a girl that is bad. a real girl.

    sex is good. she wont see a therapist. long story but tht ended badly. she is getting crazier. her freinds have told me. more haphhazard. more out there and depserate. she puts on a lot of faces. i am a sick man. make the choice for me.
  16. Eharmony420

    got a girl that is bad. a real girl.

    got a girlfreind I see on and off agin for over 6 months now. she has had a real fucked up past. she is damaged and not very ok in the head but swears she is. she looks like she is. she gets stlked by another guy who swears she is his ievery week. she flirts nonstop like she is about to fuck...
  17. Eharmony420

    E-conolight & catalogs

    hey this should mke you laugh. i wired my econo light up. i am also am elctrician, sort of. navy trained, which mens i can read instructions. anyway i wired it up and turned it on. it worked! i waked away for 5 seconds and came back. stupid me! I HAD LEFT THE LIGHT SITTING ON THE BATHROOM...
  18. Eharmony420

    E-conolight & catalogs

    i have gotten 2 catalogs now since i bought my light. i like the t5s too. but for bulbs i go hidhut. they have hid bulbs for a 400 hps with 55k lumens and multispectrum rel low red too for like 24 dollars!
  19. Eharmony420

    is my ozone generator saving the planet? green growing:)

    also you get a rebte from the government and the power company for going solar. It is huge. Like for 700k in solar this guy got 400k back. Tht is an expample of the guy JR from that show dallas. He has so much solar tht he powers locl area homes for free.