My hobby, opiate withdrawl! Got a sative and the green channel!


Well-Known Member
Well it's been a whole day off opiates.

I left work early.

I have benaydryl and immodium for later.\

Right now I have a mountain og gabapentyn and some sativa I think good bud.

lost my glass pipe, lol.

got my one toke fake cigarette.

pain in legs unbearable. i ate all the meds early for christmas. hehe. happens every other month. now I got 3 days till they get here.

i am trying to go off altogether with my first crop harvest. that is in a month.

maybe i could do it now. i already am feeling out the cirty which I am a sorta returning home too for dope.

street dope. ow.

i am taking morphine sulphate oxycodone tramadol and gabapentyn a month. i take like 10mg of oxycodone ir, 60 to 90 mg of morphine sulphate, 400-500 mg of tramadol a day. some days i go overboard. seems to happen every other time. the weed helps.

hard to choose weed over pills. i used to though in high school. need to pick it up again. hehehehe

so i am just bored and sleepy. got problems with my grow:(. i dont want to deal with. lol. damn filters are failing. anyway,

i bet their a lot of me. withdrawing for a few days every other month. waiting till the pills get here.:fire:


Well-Known Member
lol, not really. or at least I dont notice it. hehe.

I was a drunk. I still party when I crap. i mean i feel ok with life.

I am watching the green planet getting stoned.

I might sit this withdrawl out.

if you are a pain petient like me then withdrawl is a joke.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, the latina girl freind and I just back together and again and broke up. I am avoiding her. she is crazy. dont ask.


Well-Known Member
the latina just called and hung up. my legs are tingling with neuropathy. ow. time to smoke more. the opiates usuallt take care of this.

hey, being stoned is fun. rofl, !!!

i got northern lights 4 weeks in, not ready yet. just getting sticky. covered in sugar.

i cant beleive she called me and hung up.

i told her I was getting stoned and cleaning. she should forgive me and come over. lol.


Well-Known Member
nah, alcoholic. deprived my body of b1 for 10 years. fried all the nerves in my lower leg. they actually all fire in pain 24/7. lol.

gave myself cirhosis, sorry about spelling, before i was thirty. no drink in 2 years. but after I stopped all this shit started.

fuck i was clean and loving life in rehab. working out everyday and then the doctor says to me "didnt someone tell you? you have 2 years left to live." no shit. i was like "well, can I still work out?". lol. not the shit you really can say anything too.

well they decided to give me a liver. also decided to put some metal tube in my liver. a shunt to let blood have it easier. cool. 2 more years. hehe.

now I got like 2 - 5 year they say cuz I work out all the time.

the weed is cuz I tired of the withdrawls and the zombie fix. even at this stage which is reletively light. relatively because it hurts like shit still. lol.


after alcohol I know shit can get out of control pretty fast so I would rather listen to the stats that say get off the shit.

only the pain is bad. I always say it wont be when I get off the shit. next night i got a stick in my mouth trying to sleep and not scream. hehe.

weed they said on the internet is awesome, and it is. makes the pain feel good. opiates make me not notice. weed makes it fell like candy or something. :)!!!


Well-Known Member
I am not doing so bad withdrwl wise. the mj helped a ton. a sativa.

BUT the pain is fricking bad!!!!!!!!!!OW!!! my legs are on fire. hehe, they hurt like wild. i think i gotta score some brown 2 morow. but i will try not too. we will see but normally i m sleep by now. alcohol gave me sick insomni. tht went away, hope dont come back everytime i get up to take a leak. lol.

oh yeah the mj helped a ton in the day. the night time is always worse. it helps some. lot bettter than nothing, if i smoke more an indica i bought i will fall right asleep. problem is I cannot find the indica. I put it somewhere safe when guests showed up.
I put myself thru Methadone withdrawl twice. Needless to say that I will never put another opiate in my body ever again. The up side is that I'm not afraid of hell anymore!
Just thinking about what you are going thru makes me nauseas and makes my legs hurt. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I her that "hell". I cannot fucking sleep. weed feels good. i am ok, like that.

but my head hurts and I am running out both my holes. lol. found the immodium again. safe.

big headache now. just gonna be awake today.


Well-Known Member

lol, the pin is insane. i gotta smoke every 20 minutes. that is to keeo the pain away.

gott shop today 2. gonn buy a titan tody.


Well-Known Member
I caved in. I bought a gram of heroin. black tar. lol. this is a little read post though it looks like for my own amusement. i mean i hope nobody actually expected o'l eh420 to stay sober through explosive diareha.

anyway i shit out a ways to get shooting up down. i mean i suck at it.

just stuck it in my stomach fat for kicks and pushed. it didnt hurt that wy at least. my arm is a mine feild. hehe. yeah i got big welts from tryng to do it right.

i checked on a heroin website. the guy said if youi cnt do it you are probably retarded.

i gotta go to a nursing sight.

i let a dealer in mexican trench, a real trench, in souithern tj shoot me up once. i fuckong loved it. lol.

i smoked it. it was awesome. but not quite shooting up.

i in hurry. been out with spare change of underwears all day trying to get my house in order. i accidnetally one a ro machine. so thats cool. also i bought an ozone genertor. the titan. i also found a product called rockwool soak.

i can eat again.

i can smoke for fun,

dont feel to bad. i was getting new pills in the mail anyway.

I think i could kick the opited with tramadol and mj. I m out of tram though for now too. seriosly weed and tram sound good. trust me.

sativa helped me. but i ws wke all night anyway, anyway gotta go.


Well-Known Member
damn, I use to do a lot of codeine, but I can't imagine doing all the stuff that you're doing.
I know it's for pain and all, but damn.


Well-Known Member
lol, i know.

actually screw the lol.

on the way home from scoring I was feeling depressed about it all. I feel trapped and thats not just rationalising.

I was sober for 2.5 years. well no alcohol. they kept me pumped fool of opiates. qulity of life. i was allowed they said to keep a standrd qulaity of life. sleeping an hour a night and pacing all night and not being able to sit down due to pain was not it. we all had a laugh. first time in my 15 year drug carreer a doctor had tol me that.

I had alwasy wished for a pin condition where i could get free pills. you lucky fuck i would say whenever i ran into a vicodin and mj pain patient.

now that i got my wish i am not so happy. coincidentally i also wished for one whote eye. i was drunk. i got that one christmas. dont ask. me and nicole ricci only have one eye. hot, huh.

lol, i look as good as I did ever though ladies. I hope i m not getting too personal here. dotnwsnt to be recognised. lol.

i was so paranoid about joining this site. but i had a led panel and 2 cfls. hehe. i have come a little ways in 4 months.

my best girl is so packed I am gonna ask her to marry me.

side note bloombstic is doing my plnts no end of good. it rocks. for reals.

anyway i was happy sober. i worked out like a titan. i still did with the opited too. even harder. now i dont hve the time. also i got a hernia.

but i worry my sober days will take a down turn. lose my rediscovered respect for life. you see I was an alcoholic. i drank a fifth a day for over a decade. lol. only a fifth becasue of money limitations. I was partying.

I condone mj and hallucinogen use for people. better than anything for you. I still say drink if your not n lcholic. some are some arent. it founded are country after all.

but hey i hve learned moderation. i think i can cut the h use to this time so i dont get shakes. then next month i will try to switch to weed and trmadol.


Well-Known Member
Ahh, I can't stand drinking alcohol.
This summer I partied all week this one time and then when I got sober, I was fucking wrecked.

I can't imagine the pain that you're going through to still be on the pills though.
Honestly, when I use to do codeine a shit load, after a few days of straight high, I couldn't stand
the numbness and itchiness when I started coming down. I'd have to take coke a few times
to keep myself awake as I got so tired when coming down. That's when I relapsed on coke also.
I had quit for like half a year because I got so poor. I fortunately quit again though, cold turkey.
Now, back to just marijuana :joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah i beat that!

you see I wnted to sty reletively "sober" when I ws in rehab. A live in rehab where being high was a no-no. I took it all seriously but i needed according to my docs the pills.

so i would take hlfs.take on oxycodone. it splits easily. i would take half. i would not get the huge up. just a nice low key esy buzz. like what speed should aspire to be for all us once upon time functioning "" tweekers.

i took a whole one once in a while and once i took a whole one and i got really high. I ws loving it. but then i strted to come down. Now i ws gung ho sober and no to the alcohol.

but here i was not able to shake the feeling that I needed a drink and a cigarette. the craving had me. I sid fuck that. took nother half then went to sleep.

to the day, not like it was a life changing experience, I only take halfs. so i dont get up. just stay sorta cool. I cnt complain. i am back in school and have kept a job for more than year.

one time I got fired for just drinking a bottle of vodka int the toy isle of the store. this customer ws on tper htey shopwed me wactching horrified. while i just stood there chugging. lol. i was blatant. poor place made me manager the first day for fun too. I m real smrt they tell me, rofl.

anywah try the vics again or better an oxy lol if you need them but only tke half. it does the trick but doesnt suck t you,

as for me tonight. i ahve filed at shooting up. i hve successfully poured it down my nose. but what I m likeing is smoking. I hve just nfact discovered my full time job. smoking heroin.

I gotta grwo me some poppies. i hear it is the end all be all of a smoke.


Well-Known Member
My drug history. at 14 i smoked my first weed. I fell in love. i was happy before it and in fact made fun of the stupidty of drug users like good ol porject dare warned us too. But it ws like I ws happier than happy. Like hppiness nd feeling good just got schooled. this is for me I said. I m going to smoke weed forever.

so i bought a pair of birkenstocks got a stoner girl freind and i was off. every day all day. I still got stright A's. I elected myself the spokesperson of being stoned. I preceded to get laid lot. I can talk that way now becuz the latina has not called back and I worl for now with a bunch of emo teenagers. sh! dont tell them I said that. hehe. Its nice to remmber things. they arm you for the coming day. I should be asleep by now lol.

then i discovered acid. I was stunned by the shear awe of the everything about life. Its been a while. I remember the first trip and every other one after. I ate it ritually all the time.

I discovered speed. My favoritie hobby was doing some speed and rolling some joints and gettign in the stoner mobile and cruising.

I got pretty bad with speed in college. i ws down to 90 pounds and hookers hung out in my college dorm room. lol.i never figured how they got there.

after tht I hit lchol again. No shit i scremed when I took my first drink after swering off everything in life but speed. That comng home drink took me buy total surprise. wow ws this the thing I desired in my arsenal to face life.

"get drunk and stay drunk" took over my life. had some fun granted. i never killed anyone. thank god.

here I am. no regrets. I am buiding on everything that got me here. instead of lyng about it to myself.

no craving for liquor t all. cool with me.