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  1. luvvin growin

    Food for auto's??

    You can give them the guano,but use only about a 1/4 of the recommended dose at first to see how they like it,increasing the strength a 1/4 a week after till you hit full strength.I found that going into an accelerated flowering feeding schedule works well on autoflowers,but you have to start...
  2. luvvin growin


    NO.Not nearly enough lumen output from that bulb to help you.CFL,flouros,and HID are the only way to grow.
  3. luvvin growin

    Cone shaped leaves????

    if your only giving them straight h2o,then you might consider putting them on some nutes.They are beginning to become deficient and thats why the leaves are curling down.Recommend a 1/4 dose of some grow fert,and maybe even something like GH FloraMicro,has alot of beenficial macro nutes like...
  4. luvvin growin

    odd propagation/cloning problem

    just chuck em and start fresh with sterilized equipment.Wouldnt trust em to grow right,or have some disease that they could possibly spread to the rest of your garden.
  5. luvvin growin

    Highest quality ballast.

    idk bout anyone else,but I've got a 1000 watt Lumatek digital ballast that I've had almost a year and it is the shit,IMO.Runs quiet,it's cool,good ballast.
  6. luvvin growin

    Cone shaped leaves????

    Most of the time the leaves turnig down like that indicate a deficiency of some sort.Most of the time its a macro nutrient.The lower leaf turning yellow as it is indicates that some nitrogen,and some macro nutrients are lacking.What kind of lamp are you using,and how far away is it?
  7. luvvin growin

    odd propagation/cloning problem

    sounds to me like you know what you're doing,so the "stem rot"thing is puzzling,as if the stems had an air embolism,but I've never heard of a whole tray of clones going bad b/c of that.Did any of your clones from that tray make it?
  8. luvvin growin

    another hermie question

    looks like a hermie to me.Pretty big nuts for one,too
  9. luvvin growin

    Im Haveing Doubts In My Clones

    any way to post some pics of them?Hard to say not seeing them.
  10. luvvin growin

    RollingJoints 2.0 Grow 300w CFL Church & Bagseed

    bout how old are your plants.I'd say the big one 2 weeks,small one 1 week...look nice.Like the setup.
  11. luvvin growin

    What bulb to use??

    yep.for veg growth you want some flouros burning at 6500k.Keep the light on 18 hours a day,feed regularly,and watch it grow.The only prob you might run into is the shock from transplanting it and moving it around,but if it lives through all that,your in business.
  12. luvvin growin

    Is it a SHE?! Can we tell? (Picutres)

    you could also clone it and flower the clone to be absolute.
  13. luvvin growin

    Is it a SHE?! Can we tell? (Picutres)

    but just from what you've got there,I'd say female.
  14. luvvin growin

    Is it a SHE?! Can we tell? (Picutres)

    yeah,but it looks too earlt to tell...
  15. luvvin growin

    where to run exhaust

    I run mine straight outside,but then again the cops hardly ever fly over where I live.Have you considered trying to tie it in with any existing venting,or is that not an option.You could also have a cooler hooked right into the duct to cool the air.Many options.
  16. luvvin growin

    need some input on my grow

    yeah bro,some pics would help.
  17. luvvin growin

    i want a male plant! how many single regular seeds should i buy ??

    true that,but in general you're likely to get one or more in a 10 pk.But you never know....
  18. luvvin growin

    A questions and comments/advice appreciated

    plants look ok,but if you wish to smoke them stop spraying them with soap.spray only with water or organic nutes,bug killer,etc.The strain is kinda tempermental,so you just let it do its thing.The sticky stuff is the plant protecting itself against dust,etc. and shouldn't be worried...
  19. luvvin growin

    i want a male plant! how many single regular seeds should i buy ??

    order yourself a 10 pk of the strain,germinate 5,youll get at least 1 male,if not 2 out of the 5
  20. luvvin growin

    does your yeild outweigh your cost???

    definately pays for itself many times over,especially if doing SOG or SCROG,in the right conditions