Is it a SHE?! Can we tell? (Picutres)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone; I've only got one plant vegetating, so nobody really comments on my journal.

I've been vegetating for about a 35-40 days of 18/6. Temps stays under 85 all the time. She has a 400W Hortilux Blue Metal Halide AND 4 24" T5 Bulbs all to herself.

I've read that I won't be able to tell if it is a male of female until the 12/12 schedule change; is this true?

Other suggestions on how I should keep it a good mother are desperately and highly appreciated. E.G. Should I top her?

Can we tell if it is a male or female? I've taken a really close snapshot of the 6th or 7th node. Is that a preflower I see there?


Active Member
lol chances are yes...when ther short and bushy like that, its usualy a female mine just showed me its sex..and its a female..wish i cud show you but the pics comne out blurry


Active Member
I've learned this. The males grow faster than the females. I have debated the reasons for this to myself while striking the thinking man pose and scratching both my chins. All I have concluded as to why this happens is that faster growth with males is a highly advantageous, evolutionary trait. If you think about it it makes sense. If males mature faster than females, it means that males will develop pollen sacks that pop open faster than a female's flowers can develop. Thus the males is already spreading its pollen via the air and cross contamination by animals before the female has matured enough to accept it. So it makes sense also, that a female plant in the same environment would have pollen from a male on its leaves and stems before it ever reached maturity. The moment the female reaches maturity, it is already pollinated. Additionally, slower flower growth on females means that more ares of the female plant will be pollinated, thus increasing chances that more seeds will be produced.

We should all be thanking Darwin for his contribution.


Well-Known Member
Awesome; thanks for the feedback everyone; I'm happy to hear everyone's input.

I've learned this. The males grow faster than the females. I have debated the reasons for this to myself while striking the thinking man pose and scratching both my chins. All I have concluded as to why this happens is that faster growth with males is a highly advantageous, evolutionary trait.
That would prove to be why I took really good care of my larger plants and they all turned out males.

Take a really close look in the 3rd picture I posted. You should be able to see what I can desribe best as a "Hair" that looks a little brown on the tip.....

Here it is again: See it in the center of the pic?



Active Member
Yes that's the misconception that most people make when sexing plants. I don't trust attempts at sexing plants while they are still in vegetative growth. I would attempt to sex a plant only after the first week of 12/12. the pair of little white hairs on the nodes of the plants doesn't say jack. you will know when the first very immature flowers start to form. And yes, males plants grow like they are on steroids and they grow taller. Being taller means more exposure to air that carries pollen.


Active Member
Too early to tell. The nodes are just showing vegetative growth, no preflowers.

But if I had to guess, I would say female since it's short and bushy. But you really won't know for you until you go to 12/12 or if you keep them at 18/6 for at least another 2-3 weeks


Well-Known Member
Points to female

I'd bet money on it

YAY!!! YIPPEEEE!!! Thanks for your feedback everyone. This thread has gotten me ultra super excited. I'm going to keep it in vegetative until I get my room constructed.

Should I consider topping it if it's going to be a mother? Any special instructions to keep it a good mother?
YES TOP IT. You will develop 2,3 or 4 new off shoots. Worth it for better clones and more cola-like buds. Also, those "hairs" that you pointed out in the picture are not hairs. They will show up at every node, male or female. You could start 12/12 now if you really wanted to, but i would pinch the top first definitely. You will double your yeild one one plant. And Remember,if it is a male, use the stems and leaves for cooking because there is THC in there that will be extracted!!!! Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
YES TOP IT. You will develop 2,3 or 4 new off shoots. Worth it for better clones and more cola-like buds. Also, those "hairs" that you pointed out in the picture are not hairs. They will show up at every node, male or female. You could start 12/12 now if you really wanted to, but i would pinch the top first definitely. You will double your yeild one one plant. And Remember,if it is a male, use the stems and leaves for cooking because there is THC in there that will be extracted!!!! Keep it up.
Great, thanks; i'm actually thinking of keeping her in vegetative state for as long as possible, hopefully 18/6 until next spring at which point i'll put her outside.

I'm trying to keep her a mother for my future SOG plans, and yes; I may decide to to a SCROG with her in her cabinet if she doesn't make it til spring.

But if i'm planning to keep her as a mother, should I still top it?


Well-Known Member
Well I fimmed her just yesterday. I'm including the before and after pictures; How does she look like?

24 Hours Later:

If you purchase Fem seeds, I'd say it is a female. there are companies that do sell feminized seeds that are bunk. It doesn't hurt to research the breeder. Sometimes you can get a better price buying direct and get better info on the specific strain you are growing. 99% will be female if under the right conditions.

You can put her in flower to really see if she's a she or a hermi. but you depending on your light schedule, you will see a loss of growth for about 2 weeks. Or for a few more weeks (how long has she been in veg?) let her veg a bit longer (more yield), get a bit bushier and wait for preflowers / put her in veg.