What bulb to use??


Hey im new to rollitup nd im new to growing and i just have a question about lighting.

I have a plant in my backyard which is about a month old now and is only several inches, I read somewhere that it isnt getting enough light so now i want to move it inside. I jus simply wanna know whats a good bulb under 100$ that has enough light and heat for the plant(or watever a bulb is suppose to give)....My budget is around 100, so if i may need more than one bulb try nd keep the pricing around 100...

Any suggestions to my situation are also fine...The area i live in is very rural and my family has gardens everywhere in my yard so i cant jus put it by a bunch of weeds because they will see it when there gardening nd there are no forests near my house...

P.S- sry if i put this in the wrong area..

luvvin growin

Active Member
yep.for veg growth you want some flouros burning at 6500k.Keep the light on 18 hours a day,feed regularly,and watch it grow.The only prob you might run into is the shock from transplanting it and moving it around,but if it lives through all that,your in business.