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  1. luvvin growin

    what soil to use

    Fox Farms,Roots Organic is also the choice of alot of people.
  2. luvvin growin

    250w hps auto gow wih piccys

    well,I've only grown Lowryder 2,and they responded really well to ferts,1/4 str.,at about 2 to 3 weeks,so I'd say tour just about due to start them on a schedule,bet introduce it gradually,a couple of mine didn't take to the nutes at first and started to yelllow,but within a couple of days,the...
  3. luvvin growin

    Bought a Sweet Grow Cabinet from Goodwill for $50... now i need your help (pics)

    go to a locksmith and tell them you have a cabinet you want to lock up with concealed cabinet locks,then,nobody really sees the lock,and your shit is protected,I used to be a locksmith,its the best bet for security and lock concealment.
  4. luvvin growin

    Help :S Dying +rep!!

    sounds like the temps got a little out of hand and from the looks of it,you're plants burned some,but nothing they cant recover from.Should really try to keep it down,and all will be well.Keep the hps up there though,thats nothing compared to the frying from an
  5. luvvin growin

    Help :S Dying +rep!!

    looks like they're burning.How hot is it in the room.Did this start b4 the hps was put up?I would say yes rereading the post,so whats the temp,any fans on them?
  6. luvvin growin

    10,000 Watt Grow......... too,looks pretty nice.
  7. luvvin growin

    Cone shaped leaves????

    pull your fans to where they arent blowing directly on the plants,but moving the air around them,the wind on them is often too much for them to handle.Or turn it down a notch,if you can.Also,I'm in the process of moving to a bigger area,so shit at home is a.f.u,atm,gut I'll be putting up some...
  8. luvvin growin


    true that,it doesnt mater as much as the spectrum of light the bulb produces.Thats whats really important.
  9. luvvin growin

    10,000 Watt Grow.........

    That is some nice stuff.I personally use Lumatek,and you wont be disappointed.As for the strains,to each their own.It's really up to you,but White Rhino puts up a ggod yield,and is some strong shit,but again,it's all personal when it comes to strains.I like the White strains the best,then the...
  10. luvvin growin

    day 36 flowering, question?

    I would keep it.To me it just produces a better product.I get bigger,tighter buds under hps than cfl,so thats what I use.IMO,keep it,and eventually upgrade,you'll be glad you did.
  11. luvvin growin

    Food for auto's??

    Right now from seed.I have bout 6 LR2's in right now (7 days old),and they respond really well.nice green 1st set of leaves,no probs.
  12. luvvin growin


    sunlight is considered to burn at an average of 10,000 lumens per in the summer months.So try to get as close as you feasibly can.
  13. luvvin growin


    plant life has been shown to produce the best results with 3,000 lumens per square foot or more of light,any less will still produce results,just not what you may want.
  14. luvvin growin

    Cone shaped leaves????

    well,I learned that the root ball should be nearly dry before you water for a number of reasons,(root rot,increased growth,and the waterborne bacteria die off with no food supply,etc.).the easiest way for me to judge is to take a big tongue depresser or popscicle stick,put it into the pot to the...
  15. luvvin growin


    yeah,probably not a good idea,most draw more heat than produce light.....
  16. luvvin growin

    Cone shaped leaves????

    well,it is a thought,but you know better than anyone.Before you water again,let the top of the soil crust up and be dry about 1/2" from the top,if it takes a day,so be it.If the plant responds within hours either way,you know it's a watering prob.The rrots should almost be dry before you water...
  17. luvvin growin


    ok,you can use them,but you are going to have some long,spiny plants with no real bulk to them,dont even waste your time.
  18. luvvin growin

    Cone shaped leaves????

    any time,glad to help
  19. luvvin growin

    2 cfl's

    straitkilla911 is right,back the lights off a little,add some nutes and humidity,and they should bounce back.
  20. luvvin growin

    i think its bullshit

    cigarette smoking can cause your plants some health issues.The smoke clogs up the stomata for a limited time,making it real hard for them to collect water and co2.