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  1. luvvin growin

    How many plants? 1000 hps in a 7 by 7 by 9 ft tall space would you grow?

    me too,I've got three NL in rockwool cubes right now that are a week old with roots showing through the bottom of the 4" cube aready,so I'm guessing that these things have a tendency to get pretty freakin big,with that system,they would explode.
  2. luvvin growin

    How many plants? 1000 hps in a 7 by 7 by 9 ft tall space would you grow?

    10 12 max for that size of a grow bag.The plants can get huge in a setting like that.Would get tight for more than that with too much canopy.JMO
  3. luvvin growin

    600 or 1000w HPS

    Any time have fun on the grow!
  4. luvvin growin

    600 or 1000w HPS

    Indeed.If I've done all the math correctly,I should get 15000 lumens per square foot from the lamps and hood,which I will dedicate a 480 cfm fan for the cooling,we've tested at the grow room I work at and that mf is bright.6 plants(MxA)each yielded 280+ gr dry,10 wks 12/12.Thats when I knew...
  5. luvvin growin

    600 or 1000w HPS

    for a 10 x 10 I would go for the 1000 watter,for the money you'll spend in the extra elec.,the benefits of harvesting a 1000 watt grow in a room that size are too much to overlook when deciding.Personally am building a 10x10x8 with a growzilla hood throwing 2 1000 watters at em,so it should be...
  6. luvvin growin

    600 or 1000w HPS

    how big is the room?
  7. luvvin growin

    Sider mites!! I Need your help

    rubbing alcohol at like 5:1,use as a foliar,not too much out there non foliar for this.
  8. luvvin growin

    unknown strain, 4 weeks into flower, any ideas?

    1:could be a variation of Lemoon Skunk,based on smell,they look just like some Jacky White that I grew,but yours are taller,2:your doing just fine from what I see.How many plants are there?b/c that will help with #3
  9. luvvin growin

    Cheap seeds

    rhinoseeds,or,both ship within a week,with good,quality seeds
  10. luvvin growin


    any time,you may also want to look up Jorge Cervantes,Todd McCormick,etc.,they are pioneers of growing in soil.
  11. luvvin growin


    Yes,you'll eventuallyhave to repot them,b/c of growth.Hydro nutes are different in chemical nature to nutes for soil,as they are more concentraed than you need for soil,b/c the soil retains nutrient for 2-3 weeks on average with regular watering,evap,etc.,I'd do some research 1st,soil and hydro...
  12. luvvin growin

    seeds with no male????

    yup,in a sense.It's more complicated than that to get a high % consistantly,but that's how seed banks do it.
  13. luvvin growin

    If you had a 12'x25' how much yeild?

    in a room that size,with what budget?Are we being frugal,or do you want to hear that a room that size Could net you over 25 pounds a month,b/c it can.
  14. luvvin growin

    First time grower

    Looking good,nice looking leaves,keep it up.I'll def. be checking back on this.
  15. luvvin growin

    seeds with no male????

    yeah,it happens,very rarely.It's always interesting to find just that one tho...
  16. luvvin growin


    you could use that as a starter soil,but NO nutes,at all,whatsoever,for at least 3 weeks.The nutes in the soil are rich enough to grow for that long before all of the nutes are used up.Of course,this is a generalization,if your plants need something ,give it to them
  17. luvvin growin

    seeds with no male????

    its RARE,but it happens.Whether or not it would be feminised is yet another question.
  18. luvvin growin

    250w hps auto gow wih piccys

    Usually the Ruderalis family as a whole goes 15 to 32 in length,and as far as I can tell,the distance doesn't affect it that much,but a hps light will definately produce an overall bigger plant as opposed to cfl,or flouros.
  19. luvvin growin

    masterkush 3rd day of flowering

    usually within a couple o weeks you should have some major pre flowers forming,sometimes even a week,either way,be patient,they're coming....+rep,nice looking grow
  20. luvvin growin

    is this good for flower 9-59-8

    dimensions for a box,sure,but how many plants are you trying to grow?the most obvious answer is 24"x24"x72" tall,if your only using cfl's,if you've got an hid ,maybe go to the ceiling to allow for light adjustment.