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  1. luvvin growin

    c02 ppm

    anything over 1500 ppm cant be assimilated by the plant fast enough to do any good,which is why 15 is the accepted level.I've heard of doing that,but I dont do it,I feed em 1500 all the way through.
  2. luvvin growin

    Club 600

    How tall are they now?At 3-4 feet,mine usually top out around 9-10 feet,with a particular Neville's Haze going 14',What strain?
  3. luvvin growin

    Club 600

    and as far as assaulting them,I prefer to bombard them with it as much as possible,merely assaulting my smaller plants,lol
  4. luvvin growin

    HPS for Everything!!!!!!!!

    the MH light gives the plant the energy it needs to produce branches and leaves.
  5. luvvin growin

    Club 600

    they do suck the elec.,and make noise,stutter from time to time,(even tho they're not supposed to,lol),and took up an extra foot of vertical height once the hood was attached,which is problematic for Sativas,as I grow em tall in veg.All in all,not worth the investment,imo
  6. luvvin growin

    HPS for Everything!!!!!!!!

    not as a stand alone,but as a mix with mh lights,yes,and have for as long as I can remember,with good results.
  7. luvvin growin

    Club 600

    ya know,we installed 2 where I work,and took em down after the first grow,as the yield was no different,got rid of em,and put up 2 more 1000 watters to supplement,other than that,I dont bother
  8. luvvin growin

    Club 600

    been an onlooker for a while,glad to be a part of this,thanks all for the welcome.
  9. luvvin growin

    Club 600

    use the Grow Big,and maybe some Big Bloom as well as it has all of the micro nutrients your plant is maybe not getting from the sounds of it,and only 1/4 strength for the first 1-2 feedings,increasing strength with every other feeding to reduce any stress on the plant.
  10. luvvin growin

    how to make node Stretch much less?

    Just keep the lights as close as possible,and stretch should'nt be a prob,except with Sativas,which are prone to stretch anyway.
  11. luvvin growin

    Club 600

    those pics gave me a good idea of what your woking with,and from what I have gathered,you should let the plant dry out 2-3 days before giving it any more water,then add 1/4 grow nutes to supplement the n deficiency,as it may be a case of the root mass retaining the water because of its size.Had...
  12. luvvin growin

    3 bagseed trees 4th week of flowering.

    as far as extraction,once it goes into full flower just shake the branches and collect the pollen that has rhymed..
  13. luvvin growin

    what the fuck just happened!! my seeds arrived. i think

    nope,if they show up,you got a mug.No idea bout those
  14. luvvin growin

    Club 600

    Question on the watering problem,how big is the plant thats in the bucket,and can pics be posted,I work alot beeter when I can see what I'm working with.Thanks
  15. luvvin growin

    need to know?

    any time.GL
  16. luvvin growin

    Super bud! post all yore pictures!!!

    indeed,what is that,aside from beautiful....
  17. luvvin growin

    need to know?

    The only bitch is changing the res,but if you have an aquarium,you should have a pump...
  18. luvvin growin

    what the fuck just happened!! my seeds arrived. i think

    totally would wait,sumpin smells fishy...glad to hear that you did get all of your beans tho..
  19. luvvin growin

    need to know?

    you need air stones,big ones.Then you need to make yourself a lid for the aquarium to huse your plants in.i.e.,1/4" wood with 3 4" holes,say.fill the aquarium with water,turn on the airstones to get oxygen in there in abundance.2 8" discs are the lid over the wter to wheethe bottom...
  20. luvvin growin

    Can someone answer some questions for me? Pleeeease!

    Yes,it looks done right,and yes,it should be ready to get some nutes by now.Plants look good.Like the setup,I've got one similar.