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  1. Urca

    The First Time You Fapped?

    lol girls cant fap, but most girls I know started (including me) getting themselves off when they were like 13. Everyone knew what a shower head could do, we just never talked about it. But everyone, and I mean everyone, masturbates. No shame in it.
  2. Urca

    have you ever noticed?

    I think maybe because smoking loosens my inhibitions and also improves the taste of the liquor
  3. Urca

    have you ever noticed?

    haha lol no i had just noticed, if i get high before I start drinking, I drink alot more. But if I drink without smoking, or try to drink then smoke, i dont drink as much, or enjoy it as much
  4. Urca

    have you ever noticed?

    That you can drink more when you get high before you start drinking...
  5. Urca

    Spit or Swallow

    dude no one ever said giving head was sexually deviant. you are reading way too much into this. she is saying that you have no right to call a woman a prude if she doesnt let you cum in her mouth.
  6. Urca

    Spit or Swallow

    we're only talking about instances where a swallow or cum in the mouth is demanded, or expected, and when the men dont reciprocate
  7. Urca

    Spit or Swallow

    lol not what we're saying. we're saying some men take advanatage alot and have unreasonable expectations, but if a woman had said no to these selfish men, we'd be called prude, tease, etc.
  8. Urca

    Spit or Swallow

  9. Urca

    Spit or Swallow

    Hmm well the thing is, when a girl is giving you head, she is doing it to please you. I never half assed it, always did it the best as I could, as much or as fast, as deep as he wanted, even if it made me uncomfortable. he would pull out when it was time, but there were a few times it has just...
  10. Urca

    Smoking and tattoos

    I cant even imagine having a tattooed armpit. Sounds like murder
  11. Urca

    Smoking and tattoos

    True. Sorry if that was offensive bro!
  12. Urca

    Smoking and tattoos

    It was yesterday. fine today. Idk why just hurt alot more than my back. A solid 6/10 for pain. Not unbearable but unpleasant
  13. Urca

    Smoking and tattoos

    I wouldnt do it before. I didnt flinch or move or cry or make it obvious I was in pain while I was getting it done. It was only after wards that I needed to smoke for the pain. I would never show up all pilled up, you gotta take the pain for the tattoo
  14. Urca

    Smoking and tattoos

    Miah Xiao... you need a longer name in there. Its really choppy.
  15. Urca

    Smoking and tattoos

    Hmm like Sapphira. Said like Safira. Sah-feer-a. Cant remember the others now
  16. Urca

    Smoking and tattoos

    Whats the full name? I like Miah, but as a middle name. No offense seems like a child's name not an adults. Which she will become. And if your wife likes Sapphire, there are variants of that name that sound pretty good.
  17. Urca

    Smoking and tattoos

    have you guys picked a name yet? Yeah I dont go to scratchers, only go to shops I trust. No way am I letting a kitchen wizard put his mark on me
  18. Urca

    Smoking and tattoos

    second. just way more painful than the first.
  19. Urca

    Smoking and tattoos

    oh i did. it helped. just washed and cleaned it. oh well the pain is fading pretty nice now though, though my body didnt like like me washing it.
  20. Urca

    Smoking and tattoos

    grandma's name and i bled onto my sock so tried to get it out. whatever, if its my cankle then i guess i made it look prettier.