have you ever noticed?

But I have noticed a line like a seam down the middle of my ball sack, now what"s that all about?
But I have noticed a line like a seam down the middle of my ball sack, now what"s that all about?
You remember that girlfriend who liked to bite?
Remember that night you passed out and had a bad feeling the next morning?
That was her.
Cutting out one of your testicles and replacing it with a rubber bouncy ball.
That is why you have a seam on your ball sack.
haha lol no i had just noticed, if i get high before I start drinking, I drink alot more. But if I drink without smoking, or try to drink then smoke, i dont drink as much, or enjoy it as much
I've always been able to drink more before smoking. If I smoke first, I don't really feel like drinking that much.

Of course, I don't drink that much these days anyway, but when I partied a lot, the above was true
I think maybe because smoking loosens my inhibitions and also improves the taste of the liquor