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  1. shadyslater

    Ocho2 Returns! 400W HPS Critical Kush, Exodus Kush, Pineapple Chunk, Jamican Dream!:D

    look into wick feeding systems for the next time your away from home och...
  2. shadyslater

    The Main-Lining Thread

    posatronics caramel ice supposed to be good forn scrog so she should do well lol..
  3. shadyslater

    The Main-Lining Thread

    i'm getting her ready for it lol
  4. shadyslater

    shady's caramel ice cfl grow

    she was trimmed a lil bit yesterday to get her ready for making the manifold... cant wait to get her started on it lol.. someone's said that i should feed cal-mag with lucas formula@ 200ppm????? but i just dunno bout 200ppm's of calmag + my gh stuff??? any advice on this would be cool.. :weed:
  5. shadyslater

    shady's caramel ice cfl grow

    will do the day 19 update later on. but she's looking different now i've stripped her some (for mainlining technique)
  6. shadyslater

    should i be worried???

    in soil and perlite
  7. shadyslater

    should i be worried???

    58 ppm tap water
  8. shadyslater

    should i be worried???

    the ppm's about 300 atm and she's just gone into week 4 what would you suggest going upto??????
  9. shadyslater

    should i be worried???

    cheers nhg
  10. shadyslater

    should i be worried???

    no bud just tap water leftto breath for 24hrs
  11. shadyslater

    should i be worried???

    she's in 50/50 soil/perlite feeding lucas formula. 4 week old. cfl lighting
  12. shadyslater

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    coool.. cheers kh
  13. shadyslater

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    ub have you got any idea's on this??feeding lucas formula @ 1/4 strength in 50/50 perlite/soil mix
  14. shadyslater

    Ocho2 Returns! 400W HPS Critical Kush, Exodus Kush, Pineapple Chunk, Jamican Dream!:D

    what height does it say that ryder is on there site och.. i've seen some med/tall auto give some good results bro
  15. shadyslater

    shady's caramel ice cfl grow

    nothing much has happend today. she looks a lil happier today... heres the pics i've got that feeling she's gonna take off now. gotta try and figure out when to start taking the aux branching for the mainlining????
  16. shadyslater

    fabric pots.. hempy buckets.

    yh thats what its all about. i was gonna go fo ran airpot but i've heard that though they are great they're a pain in the arse for watering lol. i might well get another and just run perlite in it see how that does???
  17. shadyslater

    fabric pots.. hempy buckets.

    i'll keep my eye on that then lol anyone noticed a difference in growth????
  18. shadyslater

    fabric pots.. hempy buckets.

    im new to using fabric pots. has anyone got any tips tricks?????? i seem to be getting some shrinkage already (upcanned yesterday). im using a 50/50 mix of soil and perlite. also i'm gonna be doing a hempy bucket in a few weeks when my girl goes into flower tips for this also would be cool... cheers
  19. shadyslater

    Ocho2 Returns! 400W HPS Critical Kush, Exodus Kush, Pineapple Chunk, Jamican Dream!:D

    yh they should be good for a couple of days och. what you doing with the afgan then?? you gonna keep her in with the others and see how she turns out??? be interesting to see dude
  20. shadyslater

    Heat Stress or Nute Burn or deficiency? Help!

    i second that + back off the nutes some too