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  1. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    topped for the 4 today.. this strain really recovers from toppin well peeps... i might have to get my string out tho lol she keeps pulling my soft ties outta the dirt.. i'll put some pics up either later or in the mornin depending if i can be arsed or not lol
  2. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    cheers buddy and welcome along..
  3. shadyslater

    Yankeegreen's Hashberry Mainline

    nice work mr.. she's goin for it now
  4. shadyslater

    The Main-Lining Thread

    attempt 2 lolthis time with blue rhino (from positronics) my buddy lk told me its a cola dominant!!! sounds good.. can anybody tell me whens a good time to remove these 2 fan leaves from under the manifold??? pls..
  5. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    Cheers lk.... im happy i havent broke it this time lol. Yh im gonna see if i can get the manifold cool and get used to tieing down without my precious hemp string lol. But another 5 week or so of veg then flipped she get man lol. And yh its positronics strain (love the way they word stuff lol)...
  6. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    well its day 18 seemed abit longer lol but hey o i'm trying soft ties instead of string for this 1.. as you can tell bondage has started yay.. (does any1 kno if you have to use coco specific nutes with coco or can ya just use any and add calmag)
  7. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    been abit hot the last couple of days been hitting 95+ in the room wow.... the girly seems to enjoy it tho
  8. shadyslater

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Ha cool cas im using ghh flora micro/bloom but am lookin to move from soil to soilless
  9. shadyslater

    Coco Growers Unite!

    hi all i've been lookin into canna coco pro plus am i right in thinkin you could use any nutes with this medium??????
  10. shadyslater

    Indoor CFL box 4x4x8 2, 2 week old seedlings look kind of eh. NEW TO ROLLITUP

    what i generally do is put my hand directly over the top of my plant if the heat makes you wanna move it (AT ALL) pull the light back an inch, but sayin that i run a 125w cfl and cpuld get it less than an inch away.. they love light matey chap as much as you can give em
  11. shadyslater

    Indoor CFL box 4x4x8 2, 2 week old seedlings look kind of eh. NEW TO ROLLITUP

    you could also get your lights alot closer to your plants a couple of inches or so
  12. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    she bouncing back already non issue's non well nothings been goin on
  13. shadyslater

    Low Stress Training ! How long u keep the wire ?

    Yh dt said its continuous man
  14. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    Oh yh arcaned heres my propa moggy lol
  15. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    Cheers & cheers lol she should get back on track in a couple of days (then im gonna cut her again lol) soi can carry on with the technique. My 1st couple of runs ever i was choppin and tieing then i decided to run some onatural lol and forgot all bout how gental i needed to be.. i think training...
  16. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    Yh i know lol this mainline ting. Is abit wierd but requires 2nd node topping (im sure) she was workin on her 5th node but took her bak down to her 2nd
  17. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    rightio then peeps i gave main-lining a go but was too heavy handed with my 1st round of bondage so i'm starting again the strain is blue rhino from posatronics lighting is 125w dual spec cfl media is soil perlite mix nutes are gh flora micro/bloom + calmag and pk 13/14 for late flower. the...
  18. shadyslater

    shady's caramel ice cfl grow

    Mission a bonded as I accidentally killed her:(