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  1. shadyslater

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    this made me piisss
  2. shadyslater

    need some help 1st time

    looks to me like over watered and under fed bud
  3. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    i could'nt help it lol she got topped again
  4. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    hello's to all.. she's started growing lol. i gave 400ppm of tom food and cal-mag so i'm pleased about that (phew) another5-10 days and i'll top her again for the 8 then she can have a rest befor i flower her.... erm what else has been doin....... erm i put an home made c02 geni in see if she...
  5. shadyslater

    The Main-Lining Thread

    cheers buddy
  6. shadyslater

    The Main-Lining Thread

    I'm planning an 8 head on 4 atm but ive noticed 1 sidees growing faster! Is this an issue any1 else has had??
  7. shadyslater

    The Main-Lining Thread

    she'll be cool when i let her go vertical lol
  8. shadyslater


    oooh side by side soil vs hydro what a bout lol ding ding....:hump: i think i'd expect the hydro to grow faster but i think the dirt will win out for effect/taste!!!!! i personally would run both as close to the edge on nutes as you can matey and see how you go (seeing as eyein this 1) mines...
  9. shadyslater

    The Main-Lining Thread

    i think she's abit stressed lol
  10. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    right L.K here's the pics mate tbh mate she's lookin a bit perkier since i dropped the light down to bout 2" lol
  11. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    a couple of pics lol (dunno y they on there side....... wifes phones a nutter)
  12. shadyslater


    yo bro this heats a killer eh? lol congrats on your last "MAHOOOSIVE" harvest man im subb'd
  13. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    Firstly cheers guys. I think the biggest prob im having is really close inter-noding which ive never seen as a problem before.. i can get 1/4 inch internodes in veg they stretch to an inch maybe a lil more during flower (also need more light lol) .. I think i've done well outta my cfl's so far...
  14. shadyslater

    I need help

    as above look like she needs N
  15. shadyslater

    My 165w PL-L DWC Full Tower PC - OG #18

    this may help alitle bud..( ) defoliation is the key to keeping them small ive found (but its each to his/her own method) some folks think its bad some think its good.. personally i think each node has its own pair...
  16. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    i really think ive upset this 1 lol... she's abit stunted ithink i dont know if this can be overcome but im letting her get 4-5 nodes then top for 8 then give her a week or 2 then flower her..
  17. shadyslater

    What mistakes did you make on your first grow?

    early harvest and some excessive trimming lol
  18. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    That works well ... i was jus very gentle lol. But as you may notice was in a bad mood when i topped her