fabric pots.. hempy buckets.


Well-Known Member
im new to using fabric pots. has anyone got any tips tricks??????
i seem to be getting some shrinkage already (upcanned yesterday).
im using a 50/50 mix of soil and perlite.
also i'm gonna be doing a hempy bucket in a few weeks when my girl goes into flower tips for this also would be cool...


Active Member
i'll keep my eye on that then lol

anyone noticed a difference in growth????
This is my first time using fabric pots, doing a side-by-side test (8 plants in fabric pots, 5 plants in plastic grow bags).

They all vegged in the same containers, transplanted them a lil over a week before switching to flower... so I can't tell if there's any difference yet, but...

Everybody I know that has done side-by-side fabric vs plastic pots has said that it increased yield by a noticeable amount... Plus, the science behind air-pruning the roots is solid.


Well-Known Member
yh thats what its all about.
i was gonna go fo ran airpot but i've heard that though they are great they're a pain in the arse for watering lol.
i might well get another and just run perlite in it see how that does???