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  1. H

    StonerFishys 400W HPS closet grow

    if its a few lower leaves...F it dude just keep going and if it moves on to other growth id get a better camera document and post it here...good luck
  2. H

    going into flowering, looking for tips

    leave it all on until your about 4-5 weeks into budding u can lightly trim the fan leaves too get more light to the lower buds... topping or fimming is your choice but it needs to be done in vegging..your plant is flowering and needs to be focused on that and not recovery
  3. H

    one month and 2 weeks!!!!! Look pics

    well they look over watered a little bit......and Id say take them out of those clear pots or wrap them in a dark hate for you to harm the roots midway thru flowering
  4. H

    What's it mean when a seed sinks at once

    it means it cant swim..... no really some do that and I have no earthly idea why
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    Texas Growers Unite!

    Im offended You keep saying black people like they(we) are the only ones that are "sketchy"...dumb ass its dope....its called jail time..there's a whole operation at risk with a bottom end person gets faced with time..color, race, and heritage have nothing to do with has alot more...
  6. H

    Vancouver Island Seed company-VISC ?

    imma check it out....
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    ill let you know....
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    Vancouver Island Seed company-VISC ?

    ^^^got a grow log anybody else? whole thing is they want a blank money order? the fuck is that about?
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    12/12 start to finish?

    12/12 from bag seed is the way to go....Im not gonna waste time trying to veg if its not good in the first place.....if he 12/12 run goes decent Ill take one of the clones from that batch and veg and see the results...
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    Vancouver Island Seed company-VISC ?

    Are they legit and will they ship to the US:joint: Im interested in their blackberry, and black they throw you 15 free seeds..whoa! anybody ever mess with them b4?
  11. H

    The plan?

    lower the humidity when you begin to flower...your shop lights should be ok for now....but stop being "ghetto" and get a least good DIY items thats you have background info on...and stop using "ghetto" as a term for,broken,ugly,etc would be better 800 say your temps are 75...
  12. H

    Really, nobody can answer this?

    why would u put a bud into vegging? The whole point of flowering is to get buds you can take clones through out your plants just takes them awhile to root because they have to switch back to veggie mode
  13. H

    can someone please help me with my girls! thanks

    looks like heat stress you water every 5 days? Sounds like under watering like my girls said....PHed water...for awhile and go from there
  14. H

    dried burnt leaves, new growth

    pics please but generally if its burned its dead...chop below where the burn is in my opinion...
  15. H

    nearly 4 weeks...lower leaves a bit yellow

    theirs a deficiency/lock out in your plants whats your soil like? are you using nutes? if so how often?
  16. H

    Texas Growers Unite!

    My alter ego's White berry 4 weeks in.....
  17. H

    the tips of my leafs are bending down?????

    4 days is awhile.....maybe its under watering..
  18. H

    Whoa, check out this hash making technique!!!

    niceeeeee bookmarked...for harvest seeason
  19. H

    Who Should I Trust, Bean shopping

    attitude my tex brother..we can make one big order if you want..get some freebies..