dried burnt leaves, new growth

I checked on one of my smaller plants today (bout 8"), and the top leaves, including most new growth, has been heavily burned by heat/light, so I decided to remove all the burnt leaves. I have resolved the heat/light issue so don't reply saying 'you need to raise the lights' 'get better ventilation', my question is now the top of the plant is basically a stalk with no leaves, aside from some very very young growth at the nodes, and the very tip of the stem growth is burnt what will happen to the growth of my plant. Will it just continue to grow nodes beyond this part, leaving a section of plant leafless? Or will new growth appear and replace it? Or will it stop growing upwards at this point? It is 3 days into flowering if that makes any difference. Thanks

P.S. Could I cut the stem just below the area without leaves, and let it grow back (about 2 inches below the top)


New Member
Just cut off the burnt leaves and stems. The rest of the plant will continue to veg out.

Its not that young, the leaves below are fine, its just from the top of the plant to about 2 inches down, there are practically no leaves, and the centre growth at the very apex of the plant is burned. What I'm asking is will this part continue to grow, or would I be better to just top the plant either below the affected area on the stem, or just top the new burnt growth?


New Member
Again ... cut off the burnt leaves and stems. In other words, prune the plant. Dead leaves are dead.

Yes as I said, I have already done this. But the very top of the plant, where the very newest growth is, is lightly burnt at the tips, would it be best to top it to allow new growth to form, or just leave it be?


Active Member
Leave the plant alone, if it is only slightly burnt there is a good chance that the leaves will still form energy producing qualities. Personally I would never top a plant in flower as the resulting shock and slow down mean the yeild will be adversely affected. Only remove these leaves if there is a risk of mould or botritis.
No the leaves definately wernt goin to grow, for anyone reading this with this problem if you burn new growth it wont gtrow back, I topped it and new bud sites appeared, so I lost my main cola but got more smaller ones