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  1. H

    vanilla flavored?

    cure it with vanilla coffee beans just make sure to rap them in a stocking so none of the actual grinds touch it... Im not sure of the taste but i know the smell will be there
  2. H

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    its gonna flower regardless of light or light what id say is when you c the first pre flowers go ahead and switch...and go from there
  3. H

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    id make them ASAP high temps only hurt them in the end..usually people have lights off in the day and lights on at night because the temperature you transplant they will go thru a shock so it best if they are comfortbale in this so try and keep those temps low
  4. H

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    yeah as long as its after your last frost I not for sure on that you'd have to let MOG time in on that one....but you would have to slowly put them outdoors...a few hours each day until they get used to it..and they should be fine..Just remember you are in less control outdoors so...
  5. H

    Here to help... Ask me anything ^^thats yahoo group you can join ^^this also a nice little read on teas If your not good about mixing you can buy one of those in the bottle(Earth Juice) mixes and simply aerate it. If theres...
  6. H

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    also you could wrap your airstones in panty hose to keep alot of tha clutter from organics from clogging its pores..
  7. H

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry your tent off gasing? is it a hydro hut? if so they had a recall you cane send yours back and get a replacement...nice grow
  8. H

    Another Harvest. 1/4 lb wet. 1 plant

    nice shit dude..good luck on the smoke
  9. H

    Smoking the actual leaves

    id rather make bubble hash then smoke them...remember your not getting high off the plant material just the resin why not just make hash and be easy on your lungs
  10. H

    Is Texas Now Greener than California?

    my city houston..i love it..24 has it ups and downs as does any other place
  11. H

    Clone Conspiracy in California??!!

    subcool has kept some of the same strains around 7-8 years I believe and he hasn't kept a mother his clone thread in the organics section of the site...
  12. H

    Call me a moron - 12/12 lighting vs. Flowering

    man I heard the same thing......and i been on the fence about this each is his own..plants usually go longer then what they are supposed to anyway
  13. H

    Yield? Pictures included

    ^2700k thats the color temp your looking for
  14. H

    Yield? Pictures included

    my fault i meant to edit that....first line..if you look midway thru my comment...i says mentioned it will plump but not as much if your micro chain of life was in order
  15. H

    can you tell the difference between MH buds and HPs Buds?

    I never got the goal of why people wanted tight node space....really its newbie thing I just never had it explained to me...maybe I could turn around and agree with you...most my info came from reading ed rosethanol literature snypavat cfls due emitt throwing a 6500k bulb would...
  16. H

    Yield? Pictures included

    the molasses doesn't beef up the plant it just feeds the microbes in the soil that help the plants intake of nutes..yes they plant uptakes the carbs and sugars but its better to have a whole system working than part of it...if your not using organics you will see little of this the plumping...
  17. H

    can you tell the difference between MH buds and HPs Buds?

    Mh lamps produce less light then HPS lamps and less is useable by plants, which use primarily red and blue light to most efficently power photosynthesis. Therefore growth under mh is slower and yeild less.MH lamps emit more uvb light than HPS lamps.The result is that buds ripening under a MH...
  18. H

    possible lighting stress?

    Ive had 12/12 from seed under hps no problems..
  19. H

    How muchlonger... trichome pics

    some sativas take a long time to show. Have you seen pre flowers?....if you know its a female..I would go ahead and bump up its phosphorus intake to go ahead and encourage that girt to start showing her goods
  20. H

    Vancouver Island Seed company-VISC ?

    somethings wrong with that? do they have cheaper prices then the original breeder? have you actually ordered from them?