Another Harvest. 1/4 lb wet. 1 plant


Well-Known Member
Well here's pics of my second harvest,first grow. Qp wet, hoping for a fat ounce. Mr. no patience, Smoked my first harvest before it even cured. Hopefully these buds will cure well. Comment's?

1st pic is main 2 colas. Rest is bud porn.



Well-Known Member
they will cure well, if you dont smoke it!! hahahaha

but its soooo hard to wait THAT long to cure, when you got the fuckin chron just chillin.. haha

good luck, and just be a lil patient


Well-Known Member
Nice buds dude What kina lights did u use &| how long u planing 2 cure ..I would be goin crazy waiting for those babies 2 cure lols enjoy son


Well-Known Member
how long did you veg before blooming?Thats some healthy bud.Im growing some great purple only got about 7 gramsoff my first plant now i got 4 more plants in veg,I was just wondering if a longer veg cycle would produce more buds


Well-Known Member
Vegged for 3 months, 10 weeks flower.12 to 16 cfl's and a whole lotta love. 1st plant only produced a fat 1/4. Those didn't cure because im a junkie, im hoping to gain more patience as time passes. Thanx for the post fellows! 1st grow, so a little rough, but hey... practice makes perfect.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
It looks good. I just harvested one plant from my first grow and it ended up being a liitle more than an oz. dry. Next time I will try for more but I am super happy with it. Good job.