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  1. H

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    if you had to choose go option 2. Theres i way to do all those things. Im not going to suggest away because Ive yet o do it on my own grow....goto the grow room design section...there's alot of peeps with experience that can help u or a digram would help alot as well
  2. H

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    what he says is the easy and most common can flower with those. Iteachyoukids from breed bay(also featured in high times) uses t-5s all the way thru and his end products are amazing and fat. All you have to do is LST/Train(i.e. scrog) the shit out your plants...keep them low and...
  3. H

    Texas Growers Unite!

    not badd^^ an ounce a cola and the chocolate trip sounds like the bizness...I must try my alter ego go some 12/12 babies goin now...had 1 male 5 females...1 looks sativia other 4 look of hybrids with a sativia dominant features
  4. H

    Took off toxic tent skin. Need help redesigning my enclosure using old frame. I hope this one isnt toxic....i need one bad
  5. H

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    easy soloution get a soil that doesnt have hot nutes.....problem solved most people average people cant mess with MG and since your new you need to try a different soil
  6. H

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    wrap them in a moist paper towel in a closed lid container in the dark for 2 days or all the time Maybe you are puting htme to far down in the soil, packing the soil to hard, maybe the soil is to wet or the nutes in your soil is burning up the baby b4 it hits the soil. Let us know...
  7. H

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    SULFER (S) Plants suffering from S definciencies exhibit yellowing of new growth. Mix one tablespoon of Epsom salts per gallon of water until condition improves.
  8. H

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    depends first on when it starts flowering. Second step is identifying as indica dominant or sativia dominant. Indica goes 7-9 weeks sativa goes up to 15 weeks flowering. To judge when a plants ready we go off tric color. "What the hell does this mean? When growing Indica hybrids, unless you...
  9. H

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    recipe for what exactly soil? nutes? what?
  10. H

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

    fuckin nice my boy is about to chop his...sat....i;ll show you pics..but good job man...throw up the smoke report
  11. H

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    Organic im an earth juice fan because it works for me (Id add some earth worm castings to the soil its a lil weak in the N area) Synthetic Fox Farms grow big. It will burn ya shit up so be ez with it these are just opinions find what works 4 u better
  12. H

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    does it work? then yes its effective...are there better methods...maybe do some research choose a lower bud paint some pollen on the bud/s of choic(be careful not to get that stuff everywhere cuz its easy to blow around.....after that spray down your whole plant with water except the buds u...
  13. H

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    as long as you want them to..get you a magnifying glass and get up close on those trichs clear means they are not ready cloudy is a sativa like effect cloudy/amber is a couchlock/sativa mix amber couch lock narcotic effect depends on you but indica usally 7-9 weeks and sativas can go up to15...
  14. H

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    over watering how are the oxygen bubbles in there? what colors do the roots look like?
  15. H

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    Blood meal Vegging Bone meal flowering Im not a fan of MG my self but if u can provide a link to a product description Ill let ya know what it all about:weed:
  16. H

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    1. and 2. I dont know Mylar seems to work better then white walls since dont reflect as much you can tell the sex of your plant when it starts to preflower or when you switch the photoperiod you can go 12/12 immediatley no biggie
  17. H

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    I would say 18/6 is all you need for a plants photo period.but what your doing is will get buds eve if you have no veg time so 3 months is good...I keep your plant under or about 4ft...I guest you flower about a foot...especially using CFLS
  18. H

    Texas Growers Unite!

    G$ the strain is whiteberry by paradise seeds.... hopefully he will be growing green crack next go round...or go ahead and just get LSD by barneys farms and run those next to some more whiteberry nice robert what strain u got going there?
  19. H

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    also heres a link by the great sub cool showing and explaining in depth about cloning and how its done physically and internally
  20. H

    Texas Growers Unite!

    ^4 weeks in it supposed to look like that frosty goodness and some babies on 12/12 some of the bud leaves are turning yellow. My patna stopped feeding nitrogen 2 weeks in.Guess that was a boo boo yummo top cola split in two crazy colors should he flower the yellow bud early?