vanilla flavored?

Razor from . . .

Active Member
what is the best way to flavor your plant?

i was thinking of clipping the plant when time to harvest , putting a few drops of flavor (vanilla) extract in the stem and letting dry.



Well-Known Member
There is no way to 'flavour' your weed..

Grow a strain that can produce a 'flavoured' taste if you want them characteristics in your smoke ;)


Well-Known Member
go to the store and buy some vanilla gum then drive home. on the way home, roll down your window(make sure your driving real fast), take the weed you want to make flavored, and chuck it out the window. when you arrive home chew the vanilla gum for the flavor and be glad you dont have the headache that would have come from smoking weed with fucking vanilla extract in it.


Well-Known Member
go to the store and buy some vanilla gum then drive home. on the way home, roll down your window(make sure your driving real fast), take the weed you want to make flavored, and chuck it out the window. when you arrive home chew the vanilla gum for the flavor and be glad you dont have the headache that would have come from smoking weed with fucking vanilla extract in it.
this guy is a genius!


Well-Known Member
cure it with vanilla coffee beans just make sure to rap them in a stocking so none of the actual grinds touch it...

Im not sure of the taste but i know the smell will be there