IMO its a bad idea... BUT I'm sympathetic to a smoker who needs some green. S, if the person is family or a close friend, I'll do it (even though its still a bad idea). If you front to a loved one... and they don't pay you when they say they will, it will hinder your relationship with that...
Yes, color is only skin deep... but RACE is bone deep... and deeper. There are a lot of differences among races. Hair, facial features and bone structure for example. Racial differences go even deeper than physical attributes though (like culture for example). Just thought I'd clear that up...
You're not you without the people who made you and the people who made THEM ...and where they come from. It all plays a part in who you are. Bottom line: your race is part of who you are.
Thanks Cheetah.
Unfortunately I have decided to take my grow area down for a while. Its a long story but I'll try to give you the short version.
We have room mates. My ol ladie's mother happens to be one of em. When she went to Georgia, she met this dude and he became her boyfriend. She...
To me, its just the beauty. Most Cannabis strains are just plain looking. Other types of flowers have some color to them... it makes them pretty. The Cannabis plant usually just has these white hairs coming off of it. You get one with some color and its a pleasant change. That shark strain? THAT...
Basically you're wondering why a white person should be proud of being white, right? What is the meaning behind your question? Is it to say that nobody should be proud of their race because its only skin color? Is it to say that the white race has a lot of negative shit in it's past? Not sure I...
Its not easy because I've already had somebody come into my backyard and steal a big beauty that I was flowering. So growing these was pretty worrisome. Thats why I went ahead and cut my losses. I cut them down the day i took those pictures. I should get about an oz. I'd rather have an oz of...
Sucks to be you. I have a good woman. She respects me as a man... and trusts my judgment. Yes, she occasionally voices her concern... and I share her caution. Its risky business... but she doesn't just TELL me what I am and am NOT gonna do. She's not my boss nor my mother and she knows that.
Sorry about the delay. Had some things to take care of. Anyway, here are the pics of my plants in early flowering. Also, theres a pic of my intercom system which makes it convenient to communicate with people in the house when I'm out in the grow room. Sometimes my ol lady needs to talk to me...
It doesn't take a genius to come to the conclusion that he is NOT legal. If he were legal, he would've been able to call the cops and report the burglary.
Aside from that, yes, I AM assuming... but I'd be willing to bet that my assumption is correct. Now we shall wait and hear from the OP...
Theres no way in hell thats gonna happen. Google is how most of the RIU members find this site. Without Google, traffic would drop dramatically, revenue would be seriously compromised and the activity on this site would slow down greatly. The loss of one member (you) will not prompt the admin to...