End quote from the article.
"“I don’t know what America’s overall plan is — I just know that 24 hours a day, seven days a week, there are soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines that are standing by to come and help if they’re called,” Cloutier said. “It...
Sure sounds like martial law... read it and give me your opinions please.
Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1 - Army News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Army Times
I'll clean it out, but seriously it's not even full.. lmfao.. please.. ive gotten pmed by two people in the past 3 weeks, lol, no one talks to me anymore since I stopped posting half naked avatars.. lol
Does thinking or conversation seem to offend you Dr.Von? Or opinions, those seem to offend you? Sorry, but to me it seems that this thread was supposed to incite conversation, just as the original thread. Otherwise there would have just been a poll...
Yeah.. keep telling yourself that.. best how? We're deep in f*cking debt, hate towards Americans has never been higher in the world, our military is spread everywhere and our military advisers even admit we are weaker militarily than we have been in the past 10 years, nothing is manufactured...
Did you hear me?! This has cost each and every single one of us $6000 dollars, SO FAR. Each and every single one of the estimated 310 million citizens in this country. Can you wrap your head around...
I hear you miss- I went to a private Christian school from 1st till 6th grade- many of these church goers are very hypocritical.. but you can't judge a religion just by it's members.. I however found the Bible to be contradictory in itself, and the blatant edits over the centuries just made me...
If you had to receive a million emails from parents who found out their kids were growing and getting help on this site... yeah.. maybe you'd understand then..
The rules are clearly stated on the agreement page when you become a member.. blame yourself.
Stating you definition to something is imperative in having an actual conversation- because with words there are so many meanings that can easily be taken the wrong way, defining what you are saying and which way you are using certain phrases and words just clarifies things so differences and...
Sarcasm prophesy.. lol..
No, my brain isn't hurting, though I am scratching my head wondering why I jumped into the snake pit, lol- I just find bickering online to be pointless and wonder why it seems so hard for people to just have a conversation with conflicting views without resorting to...
LOL.. just such a crazy thought I have where the parents decide what their kids learn.. lol.. what was I thinking? Of course the STATE should dictate all the knowledge we have..
Who said anything about replacing anything already taught???
Ah yes.. we should continue decreasing the things our...