Always have visine on hand here..
Sometimes I'll do it before I smoke as well- usually don't get any red eyes then..
But always works for me after I smoke- give it at least 5 minutes to work, sometimes a few spots might need a 2nd dose- but always has helped me and those I kno..
Always kills my buzz...
But sober I love showers.. I love laying on the bottom of the tub and letting the water beat on my stomach until the hot water runs out.. lol..
Nah, haven't listened this week.. last week there were too many days where he had others sitting in for him.. I check infowars daily tho- they keep up to date on a good portion of everything going on..
Thanks tho, I'll tune in now.. need something to listen to while makin' dinner neways..
I hear ya man- that's why I said most.. there are a good amount of us doing shyt.. but most of Americans aren't.. exactly, they're tied to the tv and care only about their little bubble of reality..
How wouldn't it? Pot is cheaper and there's no negative effects.. those industries know it- that's why they spend tons of money to make sure pot doesn't become legal..
Would kill the liquor and tobacco industry.. they're the biggest ones that have been lobbying against it for years...
not to mention the pharmaceutical industry.
LOL.. yeahh... mortgages are too hard to get right now- and the government has made it nearly impossible to just buy land and build your house and life from the ground up..
Been working towards this for over 8 months now.. once you actually start getting into the nitty gritty of getting it...
Um.. legalization of marijuana/hemp would ruin all the monopolies they have in numerous markets.. lol.. not to mention the drop law enforcement employment..
It would make sense if they were trying to fix the situation- but they aren't, they're facilitating the demise of everything..
We moved off the gold standard 1971 (or 1933, depending on how you actually look at it..).. our money is backed by nothing- and the Fed has refused to be audited for YEARS.. don't kid yourself, there's little to no gold yet, the american people were robbed yet again..
Vi.. do you worry as well...
Anyone who actually studies our history knows how bad it's been manipulated.. it's not a joke at all when I say public schools are government training facilities..
With the whole AIG fiasco this got buried.. $87 billion..
Fed repaid JPMorgan $87 billion for Lehman financing - Yahoo! News
God, the Fed has been on a spending spree this week...
And all while the Fed is considering about another rate cut.. fuck.. they're jus determined to make everyone's...
Ron Paul predicted the bail out of Freddie and Fannie 5 years ago.. the man is an economic genius.. and seriously the only hope America had to get out of this mess..
Who says he didn't want us to go? Obama? LOL.. he wasn't even there to vote when the original decision was made.. hindsight is 20/
though he has continued to fund the war since he has been in office..