Yea.. thank you..
"Nations can no longer protect their interests, or advance the well-being of their people, without the partnership of the rest."
The Federal Reserve bailing out their Wallstreet buddies and passing the bill to Mainstreet.. yea.. it's an outrage, that's why I don't understand why NO ONE IS PISSED AS SHYT!
In Chicago 400-420 for an ounce is normal prices.. 60 an 1/8th... a lot of these people don't realize these are normal prices in a lot of places..
I wouldn't take out a loan for some weed tho.. that just sounds like addict behavior there.. lol..
LOL.. oh boy how wrong you are..:roll:
That's how I got prego this time.. lol.. luckily we weren't trying to really actively avoid pregnancy so it wasn't a surprise or anything- it was a 'if it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't situation'...
But if you're actively trying to avoid...
A. Rights of All Individuals in relation to All Other Individuals (Inherent Rights)
Here, don't feel like trying to explain this to you. lol..
I don't know if that last part was meant to be a joke.. lmfao.. but damn had me laughing.. I suppose someone could call exchanging liberties for...
Our bill of rights was written by men, yes, but that's what was so revolutionary about the founding of this country- someone finally said these rights are inherent - no one needs to grant them to us, we have these rights just by being alive.
We've made lots of progresses during this country's...