The young fertile virgin thing don't even cut it.. if they're actually fertile.. there's pubes..
If you're gonna go that route with the psychology- then it's prepubescent girls.. :shock:
Stoney- you're probably right- I'll go blue in the face trying to get half these guys to use their...
Those same studies showed that it is not true for everyone, and that it's a generality they noticed that may partially explain their political stances.. walking around acting like it's truth for everyone is just ignorant..
There's many many variations to the story- but I like the archetype of Lilith overall..
I find it interesting that in many stories someone who is possessed by Lilith can be identified by the hair on her legs- there is a story of a king who suspected a women was possessed by Lilith, he made the...
The story is that Lilith was made from the earth just as Adam.. and since she was made of the same stuff he was, she refused to submit to him and reused to return to him.. God then created Eve from Adam, who submitted to him..
Great article.. I couldn't agree more- the income tax and property tax both insinuate that we are not sovereign individuals- that we belong to the state- and the state allows us to keep what they decide we can keep for a price that they dictate. The draft also implies this same mentality- the...
I hear you man.. but me personally, I bleed red, white, and blue.. I am not leaving- we let this mess happen, I ain't running.. but I am prepared and getting more and more so everyday.. biggest thing I did.. moved from Chicago to the country.. got food and water piled up- silver stashed.. gun...
Just was wondering how many people were familiar with the stories of Lilith, who is according to some, Adam's first wife- whom left him because she refused to submit to him...(of course if you're unfamiliar with this subject and are interested you can do some further research).. and for those...
That's the thing.. does anyone ever question- 'why do i think it's prettier?'...
The notion that 'women should ideally' look like little girls also still kinda weirds me out.. It's kewl though, I think I'm talking about things beyond the scope of what you guys are thinking in here.. I'm...
I'm not taking it personal.. I just hope to maybe get some people to seriously sit down and think about why they feel the way they do, where these ideas came from, how they effect things, so hopefully people can come to conclusions on their own in an intellectual way.. because honestly.. most of...
Takin' one for the team?
Damn.. do you guys even understand the psychology behind these comments and ideas?
The woman body itself naturally is repulsive, unacceptable, and being ok with it is 'taking one for the team'? God.. so fucked up on so many levels..
Yeah.. that's why you're supposed to get a lawyer before you buy into any foreclosure to research any leins or unpaid taxes on the property... the foreclosure market is biased in the favor of banks and realtors- they know the game.