That explains it, maintain your pH and the problem should not spread. Leaves don't really heal themselves... the plant just grows new ones and extracts the 'life force' out of the old ones.
Ginger and peppermint are classic aids for nausea/morning sickness. And are definitely safe. Avoid rich, fried, fatty or highly spiced foods. Then again, if you fancy something, and can be reasonably sure it will stay down, have it and enjoy it!
I'd at least suggest not smoking it. Your wife breathes for two, after all. Perhaps a tea, or some other edible.
You can edit your posts if the thread it is in hasn't been locked/closed. Just remove the content of your posts. Then use some common sense before you consider posting ever again. :lol:
No problem. 300 lumens per watt:
Not quite as impressive, but still 161 lm/W:
I have no idea why people would be willing to spend thousands on LEDs...
What some do is wait for the main upper colas to mature properly, then just cut those off, leaving the lower ones on the plant, giving them all time to mature properly. Good for yield too.
Looks like a nute or ph problem.
We can not help you if you do not provide specific details on your care of the plant. This includes: watering frequency, nutrients, lights, pH of the run off, etc. Anything you can provide helps us help you.
50-100 actual CFL watts per cubic foot of foliage for 'supreme growth'(flowering).
You can use as little as 12-25 actual CFL watts per sq foot for vegetative.
I've seen seven 26 watt CFLs run in a closet of about 56 cubic feet with little issues(sealed). A couple holes, one in the ceiling, one near the floor will create plenty of passive air flow and give you no issues.
Heard of a drywall saw? Get one if you need it. They rock.