A fan is always best for optimal growth... while not a requirement it's a very good thing. 50-150 cfm would be good for ventilation.
Agro/horticulture bulbs work the best. Pretty much all manufacturers make them.
I suggest you start out with 2-3 times as many plants as you want to end up...
I could probably get a quarter of mids, or one(maybe two) gram of sinsemilla(and get it matched by them if I smoke it with them). Then again this is from my friends, not just 'some dealer'.
I don't have any of their weed on me at the moment. I rarely buy weed. Usually when I've needed a buzz...
Highly random genetics(largely Indica dominant plants, I'd guess). I used to prefer it when I was younger, it'd seem to give me better highs for my cash than some 'mids' which were clearly all very similar(they were both seedy. the schwag was darker in color and much more stoney, the mids were...
I've heard many stories about dog's mating for life, and when one dies the other is highly melancholy and sometimes refuses to eat... staving itself to death rather than living without its mate. I don't know if I'd call that love. Some say love doesn't tie you down -it sets you free.
Plants don't get stressed with artificial lights going off and on. Botanists used to wonder about this. The sun gradually comes into view and gradually out, while artificial lights are pretty much binary(on or off). Numerous studies have concluded this gradual change is not required and is not...