ha. yea ive heard of the shotgun booby traps before. guy around here got his ass cheeks blown off bout killed em. id rather have a plant or 2 stolen then hurting/killing sombody. Now when it comes to deer thats a different story ill give them a deal ya know. ive heard of many people booby...
your tellin me their outside when its 20-30 degrees out at night?. not sayin i doubt ya, just sayin seems a little extreme for seedling i guess is what im saying. anyway looking great. peace
your not going to get him in trouble for growing on his property.....lol..... However if he grows corn in them feilds why would you risk him finding it, find some clear spots in your woods or some shit. state land, land people dont go on etc. good luck dont be stupid
i donno man ive tryed puttin a unrooted clone outdoors aswell as other plants and they just dry up way too quick in the summer sun. gotta root em inside if ya ask me. ive started seedlings outside with ease just gotta not have em in a LOT of sun for long periods of time make sure they get...
No thats a great idea. what else you gonna say if a hunter sees you...uhh watchin nature bro... I do the same. That way if somone does see you, you can make em into fertilizer real quick >8). lol no but seriously just be careful with them hunters
mh is commonly used for the vegative stage, the hps is used for flowering, so i guess yes if your going 24/0, 20/4 or whatever for veg, then when you switch to 12/12 is when you would use your hps
Quit stressin dog. you be fine 3 weeks is more than enough. *Drink plenty of fluids* water, juices, gatorade and shit, The detox is worth it but not nessecary. Smuggling in somones piss/fake piss would be the way to go but it can be hard. i personally can get clean in 3 days notice, Good luck
Fresh creek water? absolutly. You should put good soil out there but it can be done without. Be safe dont leave tracks, or be seen.
Theres a lot of outdoor guides around this place you otta be able to dig up somthin. Id study up if your new to the outdoors.
i donno man too baked to tell or what but i dont see no nute burn look to her. looks like the 2nd picture got a chunk bitten outta one of her leaves lol. they look like theyll pull through. i started my first plants in that soil and i had a few casulties but most pulled through. wouldnt use it...