ok all you guerilla growers i got a question. After starting your plants how do you get them to their spots. last year it wasnt hard because i just walked a few miles behind my house but this year im trying to go into some good state land about 5+ miles away that is much more remote. i have no...
u about identical to my size and i can exersize/pound liquids and have it out safely in a week,i know people who do it in much less, its what i did on probo. but your on felony probo i wouldnt fuck around id get a detox drink bro.
they are monster for 3rd set of leaves, been hittin em hard with ferts, but yea i think your right just a root coming out drain hole. im gonna try to get em as big as possible in those because after that there being hiked out into the woods. thanks again
im just starting them in them until their big enough to put out. i have a few that are at the 3rd set of leaves and already a root is coming out the bottom. i was hoping i could keep them in there until i could see who is male/female but i dont wanna affect how big theyll be. any input? thanks...
Always have a dog/gun/fishing pole for an excuse if the property owner does happen to see you. Around here its posted for hunting, and that dont start until its just about time to pull em out.
All depends where im at i can walk might add another mile or 2 on the walk but fuckit i go un-noticed. a lot off people do drive though. Id just park somwhere away from where im going. always have a halfass excuse why your walkin about in the woods
Good stuff. im a northeaster as well.Got another month before i can start doin much. I think finding an good spot is key. a place that nobody will even go near. somplace where nobody would expect it. You could always make an irrigation system get some black hose run it underground from water...