one of my sprouts has its first leaves clamped together by like a peice of its seed or some shit. im afriad to fuck with it because i dont wanna stress it. its been about a week there slowly spreading but still hooked together good. normally id toss it but its good genetics. what would you do...
i stayed in fort myers a year back for bout a week fishing and shit. nice place for sure wouldnt wanna live there but i know people that do without a problem. lol @ mugshot
lol you guys act like its impossible, buncha city boys... livin out in nature aint shit, starting with one plant and somehow turning it into many more, well, thats beyond me. gl to ya sir sounds like fun
Yea the choppers be out now. thats what they did around me is go look at em earlier in year then came back and ripped a bunca peoples shit (not mine >:D).never seen em out so bad. (NY)
i donno ever ynow and then i have one fan leaf that just kinda tilts down, while all the others are tuned into the sun, kinda weird but no ill effects that ive had