Next time keep the males away. and bringing an outdoor plant inside isnt a good idea, especially putting it under a light for your reptiles. thats probobly your biggest problem. Need to look up the right types of lights to use. But you learn from your mistakes like we all do. Keep tryin bro, do...
Theres always a chance, id fence em up and give em some love. Id put a fence around em, Piss around em (not real close to the plants) or just put anything that would scare em away. I live in the northeast as well and Deer seasons comin soon. Pop a cap in there ass you see em there again lol...
Ughh should never tell anyone anything man bigg mistake. I wouldnt set no traps or anything to get arrested because thatd be a bigger problem then the one you have now..I deffinitly wouldnt let em jack it then calll the cops on em, thatd be even more pussy then them. Id get yourself a gun and if...
I wouldnt risk it for one plant bro, ida put it in a better location, Just dont let anyone see you and dont leave any footprints/fingerprints or evidence you were there and be safe. good luck
Id be more worried about somone smellin em or some punks stealin em, i think that helicopter shit is BS. they might see it if you got a feild but if there well concealed like you said then you should be alright. Just be safe about it. Ive seen people with plants in there back yards and never had...
Read yer whole thread today and wow...killer grow those are some bushes you got there man, im jealous lol. and if you dont mind me askin how big did you dig the holes for them girls? thanks and the best of luck