I have a girl that was stuntted for a while and now sjhes back on track aNd flowering. I'm in skill and have a few good inches of my stem and like 4 inches on new sOil I could throw on the top layer right now raising the dirt level around the stem, now the point bieng trying to gEt more root...
Also at this point is it just to late to bury the bottom of the plants stem up in some more soil? I have a good few inches that I could add another layer of soil to perhaps promoting new root growth therfore better growth overall???
Anyone awake??
Is it possible that I am seeig actual black resin on my leaves??? Looks like little drops of black resin?????
Also as this girl gets more used to her new home she is really looking beter and beter gonna start a little lst today and I am telling u guys this girl will come put much better than any...
No my otherplants were great they just turmed out male this one was like a side project i nevere even expexted to make it but one day i saw that it had started budding and all my other plants were male actrually one was Murdered!!!! So i trnaspated it very late but it was my only female...
yeah i Undersdtand the lst And will def. try it out on that reacher youre talking about execot instead of a c im thinking more of A n (same idea), just trying to figure out what to pinch......the new leaves starting on the other stem???I mean dont touch the pistils at all just pinch it like I...
Good Looking out Lime,
so I should tie her over a bit duiring the day So it will get a bit more bushy??(I will try but dont want to hurt her at all by bending those lower branches) I had tinfoil all underneath her for like 2 weeks but it didnt help to much.....I guess DIRECT sunlight is...
No it was human error (mine) i Believe..... I had it in a very low light area for like 2-3 months.........(i know, I know)
I will pay for it now though......
but ive seen small plants that yield just as much as a larger plant (Of course it was probably a diff. grow method from the start)
So I...
That is exactly how she got all 3 leaves i believe, she was in a very low light area Until i realized she was my only female (I Never even expected her to make it) Now in a 5 Gal Bucket
So i GAVE IT A SHOT OF MG Bloom TODAY and Becaase of hurricane weather put her in a very dark closet for...
Yes flower nutes I was wondering basically about using justthe p alone like the 0-30-0 or something once I a while as a booster.
And yes I was wondering do people make thier own nutes like this by adding them individually and then mixing them?
Anyone on this??? Is it possible to take the NPk scale and adjust it yourself with the 3 nutes mixed In but measured separately,
like making your own fertilizer basically. I was noticing today that they have just straight phosphate,
does anyone get the straight phosphate And use it???one was...
Hey thanks alot everynr great help much appreciate keep it coming. It just got the MG bloom booster which is 15-30-15 so here we go!!!!!!I was also looking and they hae just staight phosphate???? How is that to use they had crazy stufff life 0-40-0 but also lower like 0-15-0 I believe anyone...
Anyone guess as to how much time is left for her??? Also I'm sure there's a thread but anyways is there anyway of "speeding" up the flower process (maaybe a stupid question, thats probably what nutes do......?.?.)
Wow, so the leaves are really "webbed"? that's cool, would like to see a real one. (unless u were bieng sarcastic. Then uh j/k)
so wahddya think I really have no idea how much she will yield. Anyways looks healthy though right? I don't believe I can really fond any deficencies or problems...