Goober--i know you use the Sun during day--but do you leave them out at night?--I have 4 girls that i veged all summer outside they are in week 1 of flowering--but I bring them in the house in a totally dark closet with fan during the night and late evening--my plants are getting huge--outside there is just too much background light that stunts their growth or prolongs flowering--maybe if you live out in the country near nobody your ok--but have to watch neighbors lights--street lights --your own lights inside---to many things outside to slow it up--it will definitly go faster if you have a completely dark room or space --no light period--hope this helps!Anyone guess as to how much time is left for her??? Also I'm sure there's a thread but anyways is there anyway of "speeding" up the flower process (maaybe a stupid question, thats probably what nutes do......?.?.)
Yes I use miracle grow 24-8-16 all purpose liquid dilute---but cut it in half recommended--then add slightly above 0-10-0 bone meal--1 week into flower thew are green and getting huge--last night till today grew 2 or so inches --now up to about 26-28 inches on one week flower expect them to get about 3-4 feet tall and bushy as hell have 4-12 main colas on different plants--the one thing about nutes is the plants must be healthy--over nutes will destroy them quick--Yes flower nutes I was wondering basically about using justthe p alone like the 0-30-0 or something once I a while as a booster.
And yes I was wondering do people make thier own nutes like this by adding them individually and then mixing them?
not sure how u stunted it--but three leaves all the way up is usually do to lack of suffecient sunlight--probably could have put two or three CFL"S directly on them and helped but a little late now--but get that in sun during day and compleat dark at nightSo my baby is going to be safe thrue some up and comig tough weather.
She is flowering but slowllyy, or maybe its me. I also was kinda hoping that she would put on some more hieght because i got lucky and mother nature topped her for me like 4 times I have about 5 different Tops on a stunted plant. Im worried about bud wieght because the size of my plants????? She was stunted early and i tried my best to save her, and did but she remained a bit stunted.I Have not switched to a flowering Nute yet i tried switching back to 1/4 strength reg MG (Wich ive been using) to try and get some growth but its time to switch now....suggestions??? i Believe im just gonna go with reg MG Bloom formula.
So i treid pinching my stems to make them stronger also some nodes broke off real early in the veg state and grew back stronger with a sorta bubble (U know if u seen this) around where the stem cracked. I know that alone makes it stronger so.....
I could use some help on Flowering now and getting maximum yeild that this plant has the potential to have check out the flowering pic and let me know whAT YOU think, By thE WAY THIS PLANT IS ENTIRELY 3 FINGEREED FANLEAVES From top to bottom, very interesting. even the newest ones.....
ll post some more pics of this very intersting plant later but check out the flowering
thaks allView attachment 1134091
13 fingers would have to do with a genetic defect i would say....So what is 13 fingers due to, too much sunlight?
Ducksfoot is only 3 all the way
Some get single too!
anything thats not normal is a defect.Is all odd #'s defects? Why do you call it defect...trait maybe not defect! yet you say it will produce more...that's a defect?