unexperienced mistake on Sun--dark--let it go--it will produce some--not much----will be goood if u let it go----if growing in late may early june ----bake them--put them in that direct sunlight--it is tough though--bake them with the Sun---stalks will get vfery woody but thin---they are strong thou---but during flowering put them in compleat darknest!!!it is what it is now but next time be much much much more better---those woody stalks -turn thick and grow like a bush--trust me--the lack of light and un pure dark ---killed you--i guess--that is why this is the first outdoor --indoor---can make it huge but some things to learn.......i love spring --Summer---makes my grow perfect for autumn--- with the least amounbt of KW--KW--KW-KW least amount of watts and electric bill-- most amount of buds!!!-----SUN is best --USE it--don't ABUSE it--been doing this for years--outdoor and indoors--good for Summer and Spring---fall u have too go all inside--as I said learn from others--plus experience--or don't learn at all......maybe that was in my dreams LOL.. but it is true!!!! should have been a philosopher???? lol hahahahhahahahhahah--not a Gardner!