Ahhhhh I'm gonna be away from my girl for an undetermined amount of time right now, really really pissing me off. I might not see her for like weeks.....
So I was coming aLong well and making some real progress on a stunted plant but now I guess I'm thinking that Im not going to be around my...
Hey man I just started with the MG blooom and was using MG reg during veg.
Anyways I started to add some molasses to and she is looking better evrydah
y! I am constantly moving her to keep her in Direct sunlight though I'm probably drawing alot of
attention to my self by doing thisss...
Man I really think that this lst method is helping tremendously so far hut I've got a bent -not cracked- stEm on my plant. Anything I should do or just let it heal itself??
Well I used a little toothpick "splint" scotch tape won't Hurt my stem (barely touching but still) will it???
What are u seriouse fool??? Ur Gunnar gEt shot or at the least someone dog is going to rip your fuckkng limbs off man
DON'T steal someones hard work KICK ROCKS
rob a crack dealer and grow some nuts if you wanna steal from people.
Yes I weNt very easy on The nutes today just barely a tsp of molasses a tsp of Epsom and a 1/4 tsp of bloom,
I know it seems a bit much becuase 3 days ago I gave a high does of bloom to my plan without the effect of any spotting of leaves or nute burn anywhere, so I flushed a little this am and...
This is an OK mix for my plant right??? I made sure not to use to much of anything, if anythig i used less I'm always nervouse when trying new things......
How does the budsight look??? I just addded a mix of molasses , Epsom salt, and 1/4 strength bloom booster. Also I have a stem that didn't snap but is like bent (you know how when u tie down a branch sometimes they kinda fold over?) usually I just nature heal those spots and a little bubble is...
Well I'm using MG bloom boost and I just fed it 2 days ago and I dont know if I wanna feed it again, it's kinda to soon to add more nutes Right??? Or what should I add besides the bloom for a good boost?
This plant was badly stunted while vegging and pretty much ignored but turned female and i moved her into a much better spot and now im just doing what I can to max my yield. check her out and let me know what you think or if you have any advice.
Oh NO I just noticed that spider in the...
OK Well thats great and all and Im not the greatest typer thats for damn sure, but that really does absolutlely nothing as far as answering my question dude
EDIT: Sorry Fly my bad, exellent info on the salt, thank you
Well its my 1st outdoor grow here so Im still getting some things straight about nutrients and such. Im trying to figure out if I should use molasses while I am flowering right now, but I Have been using MG nutes (YA I KNOW!!!SO DONT TELL ME) and have switched to the MG Bloom booster. Now I have...
Yeah I did and she has allready started more bud sights overnight! I'll get y'all a pic later
also I'm confused some poeple tell me not to use molasses when I'm using MG nutes because
molasses is for organic only???? True or not true ?
Sunlight, obviously LOL
no check her out here she was very stunted early on
check her out here
I Have started bringing my girl inside at like 7 pm now in a completely dark room, it doesnt really get that dark till late right now (Still......but its starting earlier) and IM thinking this is going to help the flowering process.......anyone?????
Will this speed up the budding proces?? Also...