Has Nyone ever used those self watering glass bulb type things????
Imnot gonna be around 4 a while and I need something to self water my plant
I have seen some sorta soda bottle contraption as well.......???
Realisitic is not part of my vocabulary.....(btw how do I get 0 grams??).nothing in my life is EVER realistic lol
and I'm gonna start giving her a little more dark time (while I can)
You can't see her leanin like a dope fiend?????? Well It deffintely saw a difference after a little lst the bottom opened right up but I stopped cuz I wanted the break in my stem to heal....I will post a picture in a month or two and you all will be surprised.......
I promise that.
Well my bloom...
I know right lime all In one week!!!
All I got is the MG bloom and I'm adding some molasses,
also I have started bringing her in at dusk and putting her in a completely dark area for a good 12 hours the NPK is about 7-15-7 I believe????
Blah I'll get more than eith I know I will, and yes this plant was started in a very
shady area not on purpose, and I basically just left it go and forgot and came back and it was starting to grow some hairs!!!
Plus it had been eaten by animals (or topped by mother nature....). My only female so...
Ok so here are some new pics of my girl. Shes been flowering about 3 weeks now MAYBE 4 and seems awfully slow to me but this is my first grow so.... anyways any adevice/input/help much appreciated. THIS PLANT IS ENTIRELY 3 FINGEREED AS YOU CAN see! Any idea of how much longer this plant is...
So you're saying There is no way to reconnect a snapped off stem or branch??? Mine was damn near snapped off But was "hanging" and still halfway connected anyways
Get over yourselves yo,
I had a break on my plants stem while moving it. (she fell out of her bucket,then snapped a branch) anyways she wasn't completely snapped off though........lcuky me I guess.
I splinted her with some toothpicks and scotch tape and misted the part that had broken off...
Well you guys saw the post...... Whaddya think???
Who feeds at night and who feeds at night????anyone have bettter results than another???
Grassy ass!!!!
So for those who don't know I being the over anxiuos super impatient type had been messing with my plant to much and I dropped itand it came out of it's bucket and landed right on the ground! Anyways I got her back in and she seems ok (a day later)better than ok really, exept for a cracked stem)...