LOL!! Thanks thogh man whats up with the top, you ever seen anything like that?, its not a bud is it?????? And can i do anything with it as far as butter or something????tHINK it pollenated my female if shes semi protected and only preflowering??? shes far away but weve been having crazy winds here
OK here are the pics of my Male {I Think} from the top it seems hermi from underneath looks all balls! Very confused check out the second to last pic and tell me that doesnt looke like a bitch... What do you guys think???? Can i use it to cook with? Grow it out???Its about 50 ft from a female...
It's about 3 ft tall nice thick stem and I've read many things about making numerous differnt foods from it. What's the best way to go????is one 3-4 ft male enough to even cook with?? Thanks peeps.
I have a bagseed I grew out came out nice but is deft male or hermi I would say all male but the Top has hairs and I swear it looks like a purple cola althoguh there are deffinite balls on it. No chance all the balls are just the start ofa bud? as I understand a female will have absolutely NO...
Well the northeast has been gettin pounded by a noreaster
(certain places worse than others gusts of 50 here tons of rain!!!!)
this storm came at A perfect time for my girl ( I hope??) Funny story actually I had one bagseed I had planted out in a dark shaded area of the wooods
and i really...
Well i grew out 4 plants s this summer and was not so fortunate. 2 of my plants turnend male, 1 A Hermi which i dont know what to think of so Im including a pic of that to see what you guys think of it, and this last plant which I never even really gave much attention to. Its just bagseed and it...
Shhh. Why does the top look like a bud???
Is a hermie any good at all?like good bud with seeds maybe?
Yeah I guess I might be screwed and my other plants were totally killed damn
it. I wanna go bto Cali fuck beantown
HEy guys ive been working on this one for alittle while my other plant was killed by someone!!!!Literally snapped at the stock...poor baby. I have a sole survivor who im afriad might be a Male. But the top of the plant or the "cola" is purple.....i hope all those little balls are calysts and not...
So i have been treatin this friend of mine well now for about 2 months and its spliit nicley but im, a bit conerned that it might be dude. Sorry my upclose of the Nodes ae bad qual. but they are confusing at the nodes there are just new leaf buds and on each side of the stem there is a very...