I'm using maxsea again...i have some leftover jack's classic bloom i might use later...but im not sure yet...
i kinda want to try that sea grow....it costs around half as much as the maxsea...
it's 14 gauge...but my wire cutter were shitty pliers..and my hands are bitchmade little punks....
i got 3 cf of the FF conditioner for around $10...
also i used it on a older plant...but from the stuff in it i dont think it would be too hot...
i would probably do half and half...
i have used fox farm soil conditioner...kind of barky...but it grew a nice plant...does the eb stone kind come in 3 cf bales?
how much?
...also my hands are tore up from making the smart pots....
fish is fine, i have used it in the past worked well...but the racoons loved it...but if you're in a tent you should be fine...
also...fish has high levels of mercury...
imo... you will need fertilizer...without it your crop will be schwagy...why can't you get some? it can be cheap...
want small plants? use small pots or start them later in the year....or you could "low stress train" them..to keep them closer to the ground....
the more you read right now...the...
this song on pandora.... when i read thread's title ....wtf?
realizing that you just posted in a thread from '09 ...priceless
i used blood meal the first year i grew to repel the deer...didn't work..
then i found out the deer here don't eat cannabis...they have other food till my plants start budding and then they don't want them...
that said...if a deer is hungry and it knows it can get food...a bad smell isn't going...
i get panic attacks some times...i go for a indy like querkle,gdp or nl...
don't over smoke....also i wouldn't smoke satvias if herb is causing anxiety...
i have tried ac/dc (even thc/cbd) and it did work well....so i can back up what fig said
but we can't really tell you what going to work for...