After a year 1/2 to see the man for my f**k up I'am now paying the price for being a dumb ass. Going to take around $3000.00 to pay the bill. 50 hours C-services. Drug classes and long time till I can play with my girls! Getting to old for this shit!:peace::wall:
Well you need to get over the I'm so pissed stage.You need to be on toes,eyes looking.She broke #1rule.This is aways bad.Back off for a while.Get yourself cool!Man don't that just piss you off!!:fire:
:eyesmoke:About 5yrs. ago a good friend was in his last days.He was an old KKK :fire:member from back in the early 50's.I ask him what was the biggest worry he had about today's Gov.He said back in his day's of hell raising,all they could do is tap your phone lines.:sleep:But now they listen...
:leaf: well I need info about my girls. But I like people.If there is lot of B.S and stress then I'll just let ya'll be. But we do need each other.We are 420!:joint::peace::eyesmoke:
Tell oh wise one ,who is the best person for the job.Please help us tokers find the 2012 pot friendly person who will stand with us not turn their back on us. 2012, 300,000 mj voters at the mall standing up to the White House. Not on 420, but when they are at work and look out and see us and for...
If we can not stand up to our own FED's when they say BO I'll get you, how are we going to stand up to Drug lords who want their land back. Be real! What do they have to lose? 30,000 dead to them is their job and it can start here! :idea::!::fire:
:leaf: The vote was yes or no! So no voters won,or did they?Land wars now face you living in old Mex.:fire: We took their land and now they are set to take it back! Who can stop them? Seems their rights are a little stronger. Their will to kill stronger! Now that you can't buy pot you better...
You Cali. people better watch you asses ,you no voters just let a big dog lose and he is hungry! The south of the border dealers are going to start cutting heads off and kill more boaters on the water. This is a bad day for you border towns! 30,000 dead in three years .Well it makes for...
:leaf: Those were the good old days. Cut off blue jeans,bare foot most all the time. 70's rock music,girls! Add a little 420 and all was cool! :eyesmoke:
:idea: Now that the killers across the border know we are so self centered, they want more. LAND! Their land as they see it. They have the man power,guns and war toys they got with our money! The Feds look like a deer in your head lights. The NO vote means No life there will not get any...