robert 14617
Well-Known Member
all the facts that have been posted in this thread in the form of links that have no response to from the OP
Who's info?and i would like a reference to your info , not just Roderic,mantra
are you like 12 years old? all the info I posted can be found in many places. You want my references to obamas education background? look it up yourself maybe someone will answer you on ask yahoo. Im not even giving RHETORIC (is that what you meant by "roderic?") or mantra Im giving you facts. except for my personal opinion that sarah palin is an idiot ( which is a little harsh doc but oh well) , but the fact that she is not anywhere near qualified to be the president is no rhetoric or mantraand i would like a reference to your info , not just Roderic,mantra
HOW THE FUCK IS OBAMA DOING SUCH A LOUSY JOB. DO YOU PEOPLE REMEMBER HOW FUCKED UP BUSH HAD THIS PLACE. IT TAKES TIME TO FIX THIS SHIT WHEN OBAMA WENT INTO OFFICE HE SAID IT WAS GONNA BE AT LEAST A YEAR OR 2 BEFORE THE ECONEMY BOUNCED BACK AND ID SAY WE ARE BOUNCING BACK PRETTY GOOD sorry for caps but everybodys got something to say about Obama now THE MANS NOT MAGIC THINK BACK TO BUSH AND HOW MUCH DAMAGE HE DID and honestly can you say you would have done a better job with the mess bush did?I know it's harsh. I appologize. I don't usually use curse words, but damn. . . I understand that people don't necessarily agree with certain conservative ideals but come on now, how much proof do you need to show you that people think Obama is doing a lousy job? I know the administration keeps saying we aren't in a depression but I've been looking for a decent job now for months, going on over a year! This is RIDICULOUS! (Notice I spelled it correctly.) People all over the country are out of work, begging for a job, food, something to get them by. . . meanwhile Reid sits in his suite at the Ritz Carlton in Washington D.C. passing bad legislation, Pelosi wants private jets to take her to and from California. . . COME ON! They all sit in their IVORY towers and pretend they don't see the surfs below, suffering in an enslaved dictatorship of sorts.
Serfs, not surfs. Sorry!
I talk in caps when everything I say is ridiculous too.HOW THE FUCK IS OBAMA DOING SUCH A LOUSY JOB. DO YOU PEOPLE REMEMBER HOW FUCKED UP BUSH HAD THIS PLACE. IT TAKES TIME TO FIX THIS SHIT WHEN OBAMA WENT INTO OFFICE HE SAID IT WAS GONNA BE AT LEAST A YEAR OR 2 BEFORE THE ECONEMY BOUNCED BACK AND ID SAY WE ARE BOUNCING BACK PRETTY GOOD sorry for caps but everybodys got something to say about Obama now THE MANS NOT MAGIC THINK BACK TO BUSH AND HOW MUCH DAMAGE HE DID and honestly can you say you would have done a better job with the mess bush did?
lmfao!!!!!!!!!! Good one!I talk in caps when everything I say is ridiculous too.
funny you say Obama dumb as a rock...teleaprompter is spelled teleprompter....organiser is spelled organizer ...I'm not one who usually corrects ones spelling on the internet, but damn if you choose to call someone "dumb as a rock " make sure you can spell your words correctlynobama is a puppet you take his teleaprompter away he is dumb as a rock just a community organiser and a lier a big lier.
Lack of prior political experience.I would welcome any intelligent reason you have...that obama is not qualified.
This is a very valid point and anybody who isn't seeing how awful he is doing has their head in the sand or is just not paying attention. I actually had much higher hopes for him than what he has delivered. There is no question that the task at hand is a monumental and complicated one. I believe we should be doing much better than we are at this point...........BECAUSE HE PROMISED US WE WOULD BE!!!!Lack of prior political experience.
Would you feel comfortable flying in a commercial jet with a pilot who holds nothing more than a driver's license?
I would welcome any intelligent reason you have...that obama is not qualified.
lol....and a KenyanFine fuck it, he's a Muslim.