• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Regrets to inform you, your COUNRTY is dead... because they were stupid.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
that's what you get when you force bills (obamma care )down the peoples throat 69% of witch did not want it in the first place , bail out mony to the banks who divided it up as bonus's and getting into the automobile industry ,not the gov job


Well-Known Member
that's what you get when you force bills (obamma care )down the peoples throat 69% of witch did not want it in the first place , bail out mony to the banks who divided it up as bonus's and getting into the automobile industry ,not the gov job
But "they" know what's best for us robert! We the people are just too stupid and don't understand how the world works. I particularly like how the folks on the left are placing the blame for all of the economic meltdown squarely at the feet of Bush. Barney Frank pushing for deregulation of fannie and freddie had nothing to do with it. Clinton passing NAFTA had nothing to do with it. Our current problems are far to complex and serious to blame on just one man. It sure makes political sense for the left to hate on Bush and blame him for everything, just as it makes sense for the right to blame Obama for everything. It's not that simple, never has been that simple and never will be that simple. I don't like Obama, but then again, I was no fan of Bush either. One day Americans may wake up and realize that they've been played by both parties. Hopefully this day comes before our country completely collapses. :-(


Well-Known Member
bush isn't just a scapegoat.

his 8 years in office have been identified as some of the worst years in american history.

in terms of economic policies, he failed.

in terms of environmental policies, he failed.

his human rights record, he failed.

his emergency management record, he failed.

the list does go on and on......


Well-Known Member
bush isn't just a scapegoat.

his 8 years in office have been identified as some of the worst years in american history.

in terms of economic policies, he failed.

in terms of environmental policies, he failed.

his human rights record, he failed.

his emergency management record, he failed.

the list does go on and on......
That was in 8 years. I bet Obama's list is nearly that big and he's had less than 2! Some of the things you've metioned are definitely open to interpretation and it certainly depends on where you stand on the issues.




Closing gitmo-fail

Turning Afghanistan around-fail

The list does go on and on..............;-)


Well-Known Member
doc111 not understanding how you say he failed when he still in office ...He still can make changes...Bush is out of office, so he can't do anything to change what he has done...


Well-Known Member
doc111 not understanding how you say he failed when he still in office ...He still can make changes...Bush is out of office, so he can't do anything to change what he has done...
He won't fix healthcare, I think that's a given.

He promised to be out of Gitmo by January............of this year!

He promised unemployment wouldn't go above 8%.

The Afghanistan one............he does have time to turn that one around but he can't do shit about unemployment not going over 8% or closing Gitmo by January unless he has a time machine! I would like to see him succeed, I really would. I doubt it will happen but we can always hope. :-(


Well-Known Member

there is my list

We are not getting out of the mid east anytime soon. It will lead to higher unemployment.


Well-Known Member

there is my list

We are not getting out of the mid east anytime soon. It will lead to higher unemployment.
Hahaha! I actually agree with you! They all fail in my book too!:clap:


Well-Known Member
to set your delusion straight:

health care reform passed - that's not a fail, its a win. if you get sick, rest assured the insurance company won't have an 'adjuster' combing through your medical history highliting anything that could be wrongfully attributed to your current condition, therefore falling under 'pre-existing', and your medical costs will be somewhat covered, unlike 3 years ago.....

the stimulus bill worked, regardless of what fox news says, i dare you to find a non-partisan economic journal which says otherwise, that's a win

finance reform, re-regulating the wild-west type investing that bush's de-regulation allowed, which is to blame for the financial debacle, that's a win

emergency response - BP was put on the hook for 20 BILLION dollars (a Republican openly called this a 'shakedown'), due to AMERICANS in the wake of the oil spill. - WIN

he fired the top commander of US forces for insubordination and a bad attitude, could be a reason the war in afganistan was going apeshit, - WIN

bush's economic policies almost led us into the 2nd great depression.

the great US almost turned into Ubzekistan thanks to bush.....


Well-Known Member
to set your delusion straight:

health care reform passed - that's not a fail, its a win. if you get sick, rest assured the insurance company won't have an 'adjuster' combing through your medical history highliting anything that could be wrongfully attributed to your current condition, therefore falling under 'pre-existing', and your medical costs will be somewhat covered, unlike 3 years ago.....

the stimulus bill worked, regardless of what fox news says, i dare you to find a non-partisan economic journal which says otherwise, that's a win

finance reform, re-regulating the wild-west type investing that bush's de-regulation allowed, which is to blame for the financial debacle, that's a win

emergency response - BP was put on the hook for 20 BILLION dollars (a Republican openly called this a 'shakedown'), due to AMERICANS in the wake of the oil spill. - WIN

he fired the top commander of US forces for insubordination and a bad attitude, could be a reason the war in afganistan was going apeshit, - WIN

bush's economic policies almost led us into the 2nd great depression.

the great US almost turned into Ubzekistan thanks to bush.....
What rock are you living under? Healthcare passing was a fail IMO! Also the stimulus worked???????????? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on man! We are in the 2nd great depression but it's not only Bush's policies that led us here. It is an amalgamation of failed policies for the past hundred years if you really want to get right down to it. :-(

My health insurance premiums doubled this year! That's a fail! :wall:

Unemployment is still 10% after we were promised it would go no higher than 8%. That's a fail!:wall:

We still have terror suspects detained at Gitmo after he promised we would close it down in January. Fail! :wall:

Keeping your head in the sand or putting spin on Obama's record doesn't change the facts! Obama sucks! Bush sucked! They all suck! Get over it!:fire:


Well-Known Member
to set your delusion straight:

health care reform passed - that's not a fail, its a win. if you get sick, rest assured the insurance company won't have an 'adjuster' combing through your medical history highliting anything that could be wrongfully attributed to your current condition, therefore falling under 'pre-existing', and your medical costs will be somewhat covered, unlike 3 years ago.....
the govt makes more money

the stimulus bill worked, regardless of what fox news says, i dare you to find a non-partisan economic journal which says otherwise, that's a win
the govt makes more money

finance reform, re-regulating the wild-west type investing that bush's de-regulation allowed, which is to blame for the financial debacle, that's a win
the govt makes more money

emergency response - BP was put on the hook for 20 BILLION dollars (a Republican openly called this a 'shakedown'), due to AMERICANS in the wake of the oil spill. - WIN
govt makes more money. Nice to see we are back to offshore drilling.

he fired the top commander of US forces for insubordination and a bad attitude, could be a reason the war in afganistan was going apeshit, - WIN
that's what he gets for telling the truth

bush's economic policies almost led us into the 2nd great depression.
Yeah might as well give the govt more power

the great US almost turned into Ubzekistan thanks to bush.....
the govt doesn't have good ideas
I've yet to have an intelligent conversation with a liberal. I've come to the conclusion that if you don't agree with them, then you're wrong. Same reason I don't argue with women. Have a good one chief.
Wait, what I get from this is that if you, thedoc08, don't agree with them, then you, thedoc08, are wrong?

It's crazy to see how some people can get so riled up over a simple discussion. And now they are off topic... Oh well. I see alot of good points though.

Since we aren't talking Palin anymore, I may as well throw in whatever I want lol!
Raising/cutting taxes- EVERYBODY wants a tax break. Right? Wrong? I hear alot about, ALL the time. Why is everyone so eager to keep a couple of extra nickels per/hour (or whatever the rate is) when our nations childrens education is at stake? Poverty is everywhere and there are familys that might make too much money to on their states medicaid, yet there is no way they can buy health insurance, NO WAY.
Can't we, as Americans, agree to do things and make changes for the greater good? For what is best for our country, together, for the benefit of all. That's what I hope for, at least. Anyone see Switzerland? They pay a little bit more on taxes, sure, but everyone gets health care.


Well-Known Member
I can assure you that when we have a Republican in office next election and if after two years he exacerbates the problem, I won't be blaming it on what he inherited from br0bama.
of course you won't be blaming it on obama, because in 6 years the mess we will be in will still be primarily the fault of bush!

since i got into this late and am quoting an old reply, let me take a second to acknowledge that yes, the dems have some hand in this....but not nearly as heavy a hand as bush did. you can call blaming bush for the lost decade two years after he caused it lame, but it's true and many people act like it never happened. hell, 24% blame obama. they actually think that the junior senator from illinois single handedly caused the collapse. it's true, people are dumb!

besides, repubs are still blaming clinton to this day to exculpate themselves of 9/11 and other things. so if the repubs get a blaming statute of limitations of 10 years, we get a statute of limitations of at least two years.


Well-Known Member

It's crazy to see how some people can get so riled up over a simple discussion. And now they are off topic... Oh well. I see alot of good points though.

Since we aren't talking Palin anymore, I may as well throw in whatever I want lol!
Raising/cutting taxes- EVERYBODY wants a tax break. Right? Wrong? I hear alot about, ALL the time. Why is everyone so eager to keep a couple of extra nickels per/hour (or whatever the rate is) when our nations childrens education is at stake? Poverty is everywhere and there are familys that might make too much money to on their states medicaid, yet there is no way they can buy health insurance, NO WAY.
Can't we, as Americans, agree to do things and make changes for the greater good? For what is best for our country, together, for the benefit of all. That's what I hope for, at least. Anyone see Switzerland? They pay a little bit more on taxes, sure, but everyone gets health care.
Those nickels add up my friend and if you own a small business they can add up even quicker. I would gladly pay half of what I make in taxes if it would help solve the problems with education or whatever. Wait! I DO pay almost half of what I make already! Government does certain things well, others not so much. The government was never intended to function as the proverbial teat that provides for our every need. There are many fundamental problems with letting government, any government control too much stuff. If the wrong individual or group of individuals comes into power it could be ugly if the stage has been set. A government big enough to provide for your every need is also big enough to take it all away. I don't know who first said it but it's true. I wish it were a simple matter of taking an additional 3% of everyones earnings and, Yipeee! Free healthcare for all! Except it's not really free is it? Obamacare has many good things in it like not denying anybody coverage, or dropping them when they get sick. Unfortunately these are the very things which will probably bankrupt the insurance companies in the long run which would leave us with what? Govt takeover of healthcare insurance perhaps? I don't like it, it flies in the face of what America stands for but that's just my $.02.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
of course you won't be blaming it on obama, because in 6 years the mess we will be in will still be primarily the fault of bush!

since i got into this late and am quoting an old reply, let me take a second to acknowledge that yes, the dems have some hand in this....but not nearly as heavy a hand as bush did. you can call blaming bush for the lost decade two years after he caused it lame, but it's true and many people act like it never happened. hell, 24% blame obama. they actually think that the junior senator from illinois single handedly caused the collapse. it's true, people are dumb!

besides, repubs are still blaming clinton to this day to exculpate themselves of 9/11 and other things. so if the repubs get a blaming statute of limitations of 10 years, we get a statute of limitations of at least two years.
I think it's in poor taste to blame any one individual for the horrific events of 9/11. G Dub had been in office for 8 months! It's almost as bad as giving Reagan credit for securing the release of the hostages! I've never once blamed Clinton or the dems for the attacks and I won't! Those who attacked us are the same who would like to see all infidels, that's you and me and everybody on this forum and perhaps everyone you and I know, wiped from the face of the earth! There is no bargaining with an ideology like that! There is no doubt that the U.S. has done some really awful things. The U.S. has also done some very wonderful things. Why does the world give us a bunch of shit for all the bad and give us ZERO credit for the good? Maybe it's just human nature to focus on the negative and ignore the postive. :sad: