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where you @ alaska guy what strains do have? fucking murkoski
She never said she could see Russia from her house. That was Tina Fey on Saturday night live making a satirical comment on the actual comment she did say. This is what she actually said and although I've never been to Alaska I think she's actually right!if she runs it will guarantee obamer a second term! i can see russia from wasilla! bitch you can barely see mt mckinnly on a clear day from palmer so what? dumb cunt abstanince (fuck spelling) is what she preached but her ho ass daughter spread em and got knocked up!
Wishing I was in Alaska! Oklahoma..... Almost hurts to say it! Strains? As in seeds? No grow atm. I had year old bag seed but no magic.where you @ alaska guy what strains do have? fucking murkoski
someone who is informed? have you ever heard her talk? she is stupid. i like how you cited an ask yahoo question too real high quality source to be led by. I have nothing against republicans. i think democrats do a lot of really stupid shit. Im not trying to bash republicans (or democrats)some rep for someone who is informed not lead blindly by snl and john stewart, thanks doc
I'm not defending her, simply setting the record straight. There are far too many people, some very smart people, who think that she actually said, "I can see Alaska from my house!"!!!!! It's really saddening to me for some reason. And I don't mean to completely discount education or an advanced degree. I'm just saying I know my share of folks who were hand held by their profs or some hired "tutor" who essentially did their work for them and they ended up with the same piece of paper as me. Am I bitter about it? I suppose a little because I did have to work hard. But I digress. Sarah may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but the dems and Obama have failed miserably in message and in practice. I blame Bush and co. for their role in this but they are not solely to blame, not by a long shot. If the repubs run Palin in '12 I don't think it will be pretty for them. I don't think she is the face that they want to put up. I do think that she will continue to have an impact and be a celebrity, polarizing figure for the right. Rush will probably retire or die of a heart attack soon so they need to replace him. lol!someone who is informed? have you ever heard her talk? she is stupid. i like how you cited an ask yahoo question too real high quality source to be led by. I have nothing against republicans. i think democrats do a lot of really stupid shit. Im not trying to bash republicans (or democrats)
i am bashing sarah palin because she is stupid.
and yes those degrees do mean something. It means he has a formal education about the laws of our country and is familiar with how things are done here. All sarah palin is familiar with is how to talk in front of a camera. no intelligence behind it.
if you have a masters in chemistry you are probably smarter than you give your self credit for. I am positive that you are smarter than sarah palin.
I don't know her so I won't say she's an idiot. It's mean spirited and what does it accomplish? I'm not a big Palin fan but I do think she is a small time political nobody who was thrust into a role she was profoundly unprepared for. I couldn't do that shit.and it doesnt matter if she said she could see russia from her house or from some island.
what matters is that she was asked:
"What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you? "
How does being able to see the land of russia from anywhere or being in a state thats close to it give you any insight into russian actions?
you can twist it around all you want she is an idiot
There's your problem right there!!! You're reading the Huffington Post. Thats only the MOST LIBERAL paper there is out there. You need to start reading REAL journalism, not a bunch of crap put together by communists.[
I don't think I've ever read anything about him promising to legalize weed, but I am sure he adknowledges that it is an issue and he may be one of the few people out there that might support the fact that how marijuana was illegalized was unjust.
WASHINGTON Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is urging her supporters to oust lawmakers who come from districts she and presidential running mate John McCain won in 2008 and who voted for the health care overhaul.
Palin, the Republicans' 2008 vice presidential nominee and a potential 2012 White House hopeful, launched a website Thursday to "Take Back the 20." On a U.S. map, Palin places bull's-eyes on the districts where, she says, "we've diagnosed the problem."
"Join me in standing against those who stood with Obama and Pelosi in voting for this disastrous bill," Palin says, referring to President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. "The Democrats from 20 districts we carried in 2008 voted for Obamacare. Now we can vote against them."
People, she is notorious for trying to get rid of peers and employees because they don't "go with her ideals" and "give her their full support". Haha Even when it comes to firing her brother in law during and supposedly because of, family drama.
Everyone knows, jobs are hard to come by. Nobody is hiring, because almost nobody has money. Hmm, I wonder who does have all the money?? Anybody see Capitalism M.Moore movie? LOL Wal-Mart is screwed up, far beyond the steaks I bought there that looked very similar to a doggy chew-toy!
But yeah, nobody has money, nobody hires, nobody spends money, nobody has a job to do. But everybody knows that it is a problem, everbody wants it fixed, everybody needs to pull together and try each others ideas. It is gonna take everyone working together, bc if they aren't working together, it just isn't working![]()
sarah palin's new reality show. airs nov 14 on TLC.Surely if she said that "on record" it can be found in a number of places other than Huffington Post.
What is in it? I have dial up, so I can't watch. Would have watched Docs vid too, but cannot.
She said "You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska". Those were here words, verbatim, that the Tina Fey satire was taken from.Surely if she said that "on record" it can be found in a number of places other than Huffington Post.
What is in it? I have dial up, so I can't watch. Would have watched Docs vid too, but cannot.