the money isnt kept where i live lol, the last thing i need is the pigs bangin on my door findin me with almost a kilo of weed and loads of cash lol, im gonna start cooking for myself again, this take away shite cant be good for me specially seein as i call them so much they know my name lol i thought i was gunna go uni be in shape bang loads of girls smoke tons of weed do not alot of work and party, im also thinkin, stop driving or getting a cab everywhere, that statement shows just how lazy i am really, i have a nice car yet every morning i pay someone else to drive me just coz im too tired too drive, anyways, also, enough with the indicas coz they are putin me on my ass for hours on end munchin non stop, im gonna grow the new tangerine dream, im gonna order the seeds nw lol, maybe ill make a journalstart lifting all that money and smoke a couple time a day it will help with burning fat!
What the fuck? Hurry up and get that journal going!! Damn your lazy. It's been how long already?the money isnt kept where i live lol, the last thing i need is the pigs bangin on my door findin me with almost a kilo of weed and loads of cash lol, im gonna start cooking for myself again, this take away shite cant be good for me specially seein as i call them so much they know my name lol i thought i was gunna go uni be in shape bang loads of girls smoke tons of weed do not alot of work and party, im also thinkin, stop driving or getting a cab everywhere, that statement shows just how lazy i am really, i have a nice car yet every morning i pay someone else to drive me just coz im too tired too drive, anyways, also, enough with the indicas coz they are putin me on my ass for hours on end munchin non stop, im gonna grow the new tangerine dream, im gonna order the seeds nw lol, maybe ill make a journal
ive ordered it and i should have started them by next saturday or fridayWhat the fuck? Hurry up and get that journal going!! Damn your lazy. It's been how long already?
Sour Kush, Tangerine Dream, White Berry. My next grow. Moving into a house with an EPIC basement here in a few weeks...few weeks later is tax return...then I can get my first SCROG grow going. 15 plants. 2000 watts. 2 light movers. Omg....gonna be a long 6 months but it'll be worth it! All organic soil. Not experienced enough for hydro. It'll be my 3rd grow. My last 2 were 3 plants and 5 plants so im moving up significantly. Expect my post count to rise when I burn my plants to death and drown them
My personal favorite would have to be EdaMame---soybeans...steamed with salt...sounds gross and health foody---but I love them...and you can eat them until you are truly full with no ill effects...they are the ONLY fat free protein...
im 19 but say im 18 now so i dont look like a took a year off being a dick for a year, n bsides, if you aint got any advice on the qestion i askd, why bother posting something like that, in short, piss off.still talking shite i see ukrower lol and didnt you say you was 19 months ago? now ya 18 lol i carnt even be bothered to do a search for the rest of ya bullshit posts!
That's cool man, I always tell people Im 32 instead of 33im 19 but say im 18 now so i dont look like a took a year off being a dick for a year, n bsides, if you aint got any advice on the qestion i askd, why bother posting something like that, in short, piss off.
i just do it coz it helps me fit in seein as the vast majority of people at uni in my year are 18That's cool man, I always tell people Im 32 instead of 33![]()
im not in stow anymorestop eating all them fake kfcs n dominos that are in the stow n you wont be a chubby duster simples thats my input oh and stop being a nob online or ill shame you some more with a few of ya old threads these americans have short memorys it seems.
thats sooo true ukgrower lol i got outa there yrs ago m8 in not kbnocking ya too much uve always gave me a giggle you still at college n that?im not in stow anymoreall they have round ere is iceland and off licenses lol
no im in manchester lol at uni, its shite, i live by myself in a nice flat, all i do is eat study n smoke, i know no one here and no one knows me, i have very few "friends" and the only ones i have im sure are just ere coz i buy them shit and draw them for free, there are amazing partys at the "uni blocks" as i call them whilst im bout an hour away from them in a very boring slightly more middle class part where the only thing i can remotly call fun to do at night is piss out the window and hope to hear someone in the street scream, i have my cat and a drobe of plants and thats pretty much my life now, not exaclty the barrels of fun i was expecting. hows shit 4 u?thats sooo true ukgrower lol i got outa there yrs ago m8 in not kbnocking ya too much uve always gave me a giggle you still at college n that?
i dont think im gonna be poor anytime soon m8 but that idea of smokkin wen hungry to hide the hungryness is quite interestin, i was thinkin of goin gym more smokin less wankin more eatin more fruit n stop shoppin at iceland(junk food galore)ukgrower haven't seen you around in awhile, glad to see you again man! I lost a shit ton of weight by being poor in the summer time and eating like a bag of chips a day lol, got me down from 180 to 140 now. Ss far as munchies go with weed, you can train yourself to not get hungry from smoking anymore by basically smoking when your hungry to hide the fact your hungry, it works but its really hard to reverse, I wish I got munchies so badly lol
if u think bein fat is fun then go for mcd's every day more kfc than colonel sanders himself could cook and enough coke to make you piss sugar.i'd like to learn how to gain some weight lol. i eat like most of the obese people i know, and cant gain shit. never have been able to.