• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

tips for losing weight


I bicykle to work and home, its like 10 km there (I THINK thats like 25 US miles?) and it keeps me fairly in shape. I also try and keep healthy munchies at home, such as fruit and veggies and light yoghurt. And beeing a nurse at a nurseryhome, I pretty much walk all day.

I was 200 pounds and now Im like 150. It works, stay active until you start enjoying it. There will be no stop in you. The first months will suck. Then youll love it.

That Canadian

Active Member
Hey dude. I have the best solution. You understand that you need to lose weight, but lose self control when stoned all the time. Sober up for the trip to the grocery store, buy mostly healthy shit and low fat snacks. Spend a little extra money and get high quality food too that'll help. That way when ur stoned and munchin at home you won't have all the junk in the cupboards when going on your daily raid or whatever lol


Well-Known Member
Hey dude. I have the best solution. You understand that you need to lose weight, but lose self control when stoned all the time. Sober up for the trip to the grocery store, buy mostly healthy shit and low fat snacks. Spend a little extra money and get high quality food too that'll help. That way when ur stoned and munchin at home you won't have all the junk in the cupboards when going on your daily raid or whatever lol
GENIUS, FUCKING GENIUS. also the bike idea would be great however i know for a fact ill crash.


Well-Known Member
I bicykle to work and home, its like 10 km there (I THINK thats like 25 US miles?) and it keeps me fairly in shape. I also try and keep healthy munchies at home, such as fruit and veggies and light yoghurt. And beeing a nurse at a nurseryhome, I pretty much walk all day.

I was 200 pounds and now Im like 150. It works, stay active until you start enjoying it. There will be no stop in you. The first months will suck. Then youll love it.
Kilometers are .6 of a mile so you are biking 12 miles. Not bad though.


Well-Known Member
Seriously dude, you need to get in the habit of doing things right. High or not.

I used to be 337lbs.. In the last 10 months, I've lost over 70 pounds and have gained a shit ton of muscle. I now body build.
I can't tell you what you need to do, but I can tell you what I did, and I can tell you what works universally for everyone in the world.

First what I did:

Stopped eating junk. Simply said, hard to do. Most the junk we eat has way more calories than healthy foods. For example, one slice of pizza is around 300 calories or maybe even more. That's insane, you're just forcing yourself to eat more than you need..

Started planning my meals. Usually we eat junk because we haven't eaten for a while, and when we want something to eat, we opt for something quick and easy. Usually it's junk, chips, pizza, mcdonalds etc...
By planning your meals out and the times you eat them, you break the habbit of just grabbing some junk quick to hold you over. You can better control the amount of calories you intake in a day. You can pay more attention to the QUALITY of the food you're eating..

Eat more, Smaller meals. Just like it says, Eat more meals, that are smaller. I eat 5 - 6 times a day, but much smaller meals than you would eat if it was 3 times a day.. In fact, I'm eating a small bowl of oatmeal right now.

Eat lots of protein! I eat an ass load of protein, protein breaks down in your body to amino acids, the building blocks of growth. A high protein diet helps build muscle, while burning fat at an accelerated rate.

I keep active, I go to the gym 5 days a week, but even just 3 times a week will give you good results. I personally go to the gym 5 days a week 2 hours a day. I don't do much cardio because I am weight training. Ususally a 5 min warm up and a 5 - 10 min cool down on the treadmill.

Supplementation, I take supplements. It's hard to get a good amount of good protein in your diet without going over you caloric intake limit and/or getting a bunch of other crap with it. A good high quality whey isolate protein powder is recommended. The one I take is 30 grams of protein for just 120 calories. And it tastes great! I also take a pre workout supplement 25 - 20 mins before I go to the gym. This gives me a shit ton of energy and provides my body with a bunch of beneficial supplements to help maximize my workout.

Now, what will work for EVERYONE:

Watch what you eat. Calories must be counted, even loosely. Use an online Caloric intake calculator, it will ask you your age, weight and height. Then will tell you what your daily caloric intake should be. The amount it gives you will be the amount you eat in a day. If you eat this number exactly, you will stay the exact same weight. In order to loose weight, you need to stay under this number, if you exercise you will burn calories, thus dropping your daily intake number, the lower you can get your daily caloric intake, the faster you will loose weight. But don't go overboard, Starving yourself is not healthy, I run a 300 - 500 calorie deficit. I eat 300 - 500 calories less than the recommended amount. Then I work out for 2 hours at the gym, burning a ton more calories. You could loose weight without going to the gym, just by staying under your daily recommended intake but you will loose weight much faster if you both run a calorie intake deficit and go to the gym and burn some off.

Eat the right food, Stay away from excessive carbs, some carbs is ok, and even required. But don't get it from crap sources.. I know it sucks, but the crap foods are always the best tasting ones. The rule is almost true, if it tastes good, spit it out! But there are exceptions.. Some food that is good for you does taste good too.. You want to eat foods that are more high in protein, and low in fats, carbs and sugars.

Here is a list of good foods:
All vegetables
All fruits
Cottage cheese (low fat or dry curd)
Nuts (in moderate amounts)
whole grains

There are many more, these are just a few of my favorites, of course all your spices and herbs are ok too.

Some foods you shouldn't be eating:
Prepackaged junk foods (chips, candy bars etc..)
McDonalds (wendys, Sonic, Taco bell, KFC etc..)

Again, there are a lot more to this list, but these are some of the main ones we eat regularly.
Basically stay away from anything that's high in sugar, fat or carbs. and of course anything high in calories.

Drink LOTS of water.. A good rule of thumb is Half your body weight in pounds, in ounces of water. For Example:
You weigh 200 lbs, half your weight is 100lbs. Drink 100 ounces of water a day.
Drink a full glass of water before you eat a meal. Drink another full glass after you eat.
This will both keep your brain from thinking your hungry, and get your metabolism working faster, helping you burn off your calories faster.

Eat many small meals. 5 - 6 meals a day.. This will keep you full and keep your metabolism kicking.. It doesn't matter how many calories you eat in what meals, but the total has to equal of come under your target caloric intake per day.. If the calculator you use tells you your daily caloric intake should be 2500 calories per day, and you want to run a 400 calorie deficit to loose weight faster, that equals 2100 calories per day. The way I usually do it is, I eat 5 meals a day. 2100 / 5 = 420 calories per meal. Adjust the calories and meals per day as you need to.

Eat lots of protein, for reasons stated above, proteins should make up a majority of your caloric intake.. This is why most people that are working out and loosing weight use a protein supplement. It is hard to get the amount of protein you need just by eating chicken fish and eggs all day :) A good rule of thumb is Half your body weight in pounds, in grams of protein. For example:
You weight 200 pounds, half of that is 100 pounds, that is 100 grams of protein per day. For instance, a hard boiled egg has 80 calories, and 6 grams of protein. So you see, it can be hard to get the amount of protein you need just from you food alone. So supplements are great, the protein shakes I take are 27 grams of protein for 110 calories, And they taste great!

Workout Regularly. A workout doesn't have to be like mine (lifting super heavy weights for hours a day) It can be as simple as a 30 min walk every night. Or a nice bike ride. Or a brisk walk on a treadmill.. Obviously the more intense your workout, the more calories you burn.. When I first started at 337 pounds, I couldn't jog, I couldn't bike very far or fast, I couldn't lift much weight. I started with fast walks, 25 - 30 mins a night while listening to audio books and podcasts.. After a month, I was jogging is spurts, jog for 30 secs, walk for 2 mins, repeat.. Slowly I upped the time spent jogging till I could jog for a min straight then rest for 2 mins and repeat till the half hour was up. Then I got a gym pass. I started lifting weights with a friend, Low weights low reps, I was weak.. After a few months the weight I could lift was doubled! Now it's tripled. Start off slow and light, no matter what you choose to do to burn your calories. Then work up to a higher amount..

Work out with a friend, It is much better if you can find a friend to go for walks, jogs, bike rides or to the gym with. You can motivate each other, and push each other specially on those days when one of you just doesn't want to go. And if one of you does punk out a day, you can hold it over his head and point out how you didn't wimp out and how your dedication is better than his. It will make you feel better about yourself and make him want to do better than you, a little friendly competition is healthy! But don't let it get out of hand, the point is to be there for each other. You don't want it to get to him vrs you.

At the Gym, don't be afraid to talk to people, mix it up. Generally people in the gym are nice and helpful they have no problems giving you pointers and advice. It's quite nice to go to the gym, knowing you have a bunch of friends there that you see all the time. I look forward to going to the gym every day, I get to see some of my friends, share stories and we all get to compliment each other on out progress. The gym has very much become a part of my life. I don't know what I would do if I didn't go..

Weight yourself regularly and take pictures. Every 3 or 4 days weight yourself, and keep a journal. I use bodybuilding.com. They have a great forum and "bodyspace" journal for you to track your progress. Every month, take a picture of yourself, with your shirt off, in the mirror. You see yourself every day. You don't notice the changes in yourself. Looking at a journal with your weight dropping like NASDAQ in the stock market is fucking awesome! It's gratification at it's best! Also looking at pictures of what you used to look like vrs what you look like now. Is Awesome..

Stay positive. It's hard at first to keep with the program, results are never come as fast as you want them to, and you are going to fuck up. Don't let it get to you, learn from your mistakes and keep your vision. You have a goal and you have to maintain it. Once you're in far enough, it's a life style and there is nothing you can do to fuck it up.. Once a month or 2 passes and you look at your journals and before and after pictures, you'll be in to deep. You'll be hooked.

And the hardest thing of all for most people. Weed and beer.. Weed is great, I mean it's fucking awesome. But it kills your motivation, and it gives you the munchies.. For the first month, just as a kick start, don't smoke any weed till you're done your workout. After, smoke, but not a shit ton, and follow your plan! do not deviate from your meal plans. Drink Lots of water, munch on celery and apples and carrots.. Not Chips and pop and chocolate bars.. And finally Beer, beer is the worst of them all.. It's full of carbs, the alcohol inhibits muscle growth and kills your metabolism.. It screws up your will power and fucks your decision making ability. Carbs turn to sugar and fat in your system, drinking a beer is the same as drinking a can of coke. That's why people get "beer belly". If you have to drink, drink wine or hard alcohol with sugar free mix. And only drink one or two, even one or two is bad for you, but not as bad as getting drunk. I personally stopped smoking weed and drinking all together, I don't even smoke weed now, But soon I'll get back to smoking it, in a vaporizer, onec and a while, after a workout, before bed. And that's it. But that's just me..

Do what you want, try all of these and work your own system out. Different things work differently for different people. Some need to drink more water, some need more protein, some work beer in to a meal plan, some smoke pot just before they get to the gym (I don't know how the stay motivated). No one way is the right way for everyone. But these guidelines will work for everyone, you may just have to tweak things here and there to make it right for you. Start off slow, don't jump in over your head right off that bad, this is the best way to fail. If you get in over your head, you'll just give up and never do it again. Start off easy and work up to it..

Hope this helps man, and anyone else interested.. If you have any questions or want advice/help. Give me a PM. I would love to hear from you.

Edit: Added some pictures..


Well-Known Member
Seriously dude, you need to get in the habit of doing things right. High or not.

I used to be 337lbs.. In the last 10 months, I've lost over 70 pounds and have gained a shit ton of muscle. I now body build.
I can't tell you what you need to do, but I can tell you what I did, and I can tell you what works universally for everyone in the world.

First what I did:

Stopped eating junk. Simply said, hard to do. Most the junk we eat has way more calories than healthy foods. For example, one slice of pizza is around 300 calories or maybe even more. That's insane, you're just forcing yourself to eat more than you need..

Started planning my meals. Usually we eat junk because we haven't eaten for a while, and when we want something to eat, we opt for something quick and easy. Usually it's junk, chips, pizza, mcdonalds etc...
By planning your meals out and the times you eat them, you break the habbit of just grabbing some junk quick to hold you over. You can better control the amount of calories you intake in a day. You can pay more attention to the QUALITY of the food you're eating..

Eat more, Smaller meals. Just like it says, Eat more meals, that are smaller. I eat 5 - 6 times a day, but much smaller meals than you would eat if it was 3 times a day.. In fact, I'm eating a small bowl of oatmeal right now.

Eat lots of protein! I eat an ass load of protein, protein breaks down in your body to amino acids, the building blocks of growth. A high protein diet helps build muscle, while burning fat at an accelerated rate.

I keep active, I go to the gym 5 days a week, but even just 3 times a week will give you good results. I personally go to the gym 5 days a week 2 hours a day. I don't do much cardio because I am weight training. Ususally a 5 min warm up and a 5 - 10 min cool down on the treadmill.

Supplementation, I take supplements. It's hard to get a good amount of good protein in your diet without going over you caloric intake limit and/or getting a bunch of other crap with it. A good high quality whey isolate protein powder is recommended. The one I take is 30 grams of protein for just 120 calories. And it tastes great! I also take a pre workout supplement 25 - 20 mins before I go to the gym. This gives me a shit ton of energy and provides my body with a bunch of beneficial supplements to help maximize my workout.

Now, what will work for EVERYONE:

Watch what you eat. Calories must be counted, even loosely. Use an online Caloric intake calculator, it will ask you your age, weight and height. Then will tell you what your daily caloric intake should be. The amount it gives you will be the amount you eat in a day. If you eat this number exactly, you will stay the exact same weight. In order to loose weight, you need to stay under this number, if you exercise you will burn calories, thus dropping your daily intake number, the lower you can get your daily caloric intake, the faster you will loose weight. But don't go overboard, Starving yourself is not healthy, I run a 300 - 500 calorie deficit. I eat 300 - 500 calories less than the recommended amount. Then I work out for 2 hours at the gym, burning a ton more calories. You could loose weight without going to the gym, just by staying under your daily recommended intake but you will loose weight much faster if you both run a calorie intake deficit and go to the gym and burn some off.

Eat the right food, Stay away from excessive carbs, some carbs is ok, and even required. But don't get it from crap sources.. I know it sucks, but the crap foods are always the best tasting ones. The rule is almost true, if it tastes good, spit it out! But there are exceptions.. Some food that is good for you does taste good too.. You want to eat foods that are more high in protein, and low in fats, carbs and sugars.

Here is a list of good foods:
All vegetables
All fruits
Cottage cheese (low fat or dry curd)
Nuts (in moderate amounts)
whole grains

There are many more, these are just a few of my favorites, of course all your spices and herbs are ok too.

Some foods you shouldn't be eating:
Prepackaged junk foods (chips, candy bars etc..)
McDonalds (wendys, Sonic, Taco bell, KFC etc..)

Again, there are a lot more to this list, but these are some of the main ones we eat regularly.
Basically stay away from anything that's high in sugar, fat or carbs. and of course anything high in calories.

Drink LOTS of water.. A good rule of thumb is Half your body weight in pounds, in ounces of water. For Example:
You weigh 200 lbs, half your weight is 100lbs. Drink 100 ounces of water a day.
Drink a full glass of water before you eat a meal. Drink another full glass after you eat.
This will both keep your brain from thinking your hungry, and get your metabolism working faster, helping you burn off your calories faster.

Eat many small meals. 5 - 6 meals a day.. This will keep you full and keep your metabolism kicking.. It doesn't matter how many calories you eat in what meals, but the total has to equal of come under your target caloric intake per day.. If the calculator you use tells you your daily caloric intake should be 2500 calories per day, and you want to run a 400 calorie deficit to loose weight faster, that equals 2100 calories per day. The way I usually do it is, I eat 5 meals a day. 2100 / 5 = 420 calories per meal. Adjust the calories and meals per day as you need to.

Eat lots of protein, for reasons stated above, proteins should make up a majority of your caloric intake.. This is why most people that are working out and loosing weight use a protein supplement. It is hard to get the amount of protein you need just by eating chicken fish and eggs all day :) A good rule of thumb is Half your body weight in pounds, in grams of protein. For example:
You weight 200 pounds, half of that is 100 pounds, that is 100 grams of protein per day. For instance, a hard boiled egg has 80 calories, and 6 grams of protein. So you see, it can be hard to get the amount of protein you need just from you food alone. So supplements are great, the protein shakes I take are 27 grams of protein for 110 calories, And they taste great!

Workout Regularly. A workout doesn't have to be like mine (lifting super heavy weights for hours a day) It can be as simple as a 30 min walk every night. Or a nice bike ride. Or a brisk walk on a treadmill.. Obviously the more intense your workout, the more calories you burn.. When I first started at 337 pounds, I couldn't jog, I couldn't bike very far or fast, I couldn't lift much weight. I started with fast walks, 25 - 30 mins a night while listening to audio books and podcasts.. After a month, I was jogging is spurts, jog for 30 secs, walk for 2 mins, repeat.. Slowly I upped the time spent jogging till I could jog for a min straight then rest for 2 mins and repeat till the half hour was up. Then I got a gym pass. I started lifting weights with a friend, Low weights low reps, I was weak.. After a few months the weight I could lift was doubled! Now it's tripled. Start off slow and light, no matter what you choose to do to burn your calories. Then work up to a higher amount..

Work out with a friend, It is much better if you can find a friend to go for walks, jogs, bike rides or to the gym with. You can motivate each other, and push each other specially on those days when one of you just doesn't want to go. And if one of you does punk out a day, you can hold it over his head and point out how you didn't wimp out and how your dedication is better than his. It will make you feel better about yourself and make him want to do better than you, a little friendly competition is healthy! But don't let it get out of hand, the point is to be there for each other. You don't want it to get to him vrs you.

At the Gym, don't be afraid to talk to people, mix it up. Generally people in the gym are nice and helpful they have no problems giving you pointers and advice. It's quite nice to go to the gym, knowing you have a bunch of friends there that you see all the time. I look forward to going to the gym every day, I get to see some of my friends, share stories and we all get to compliment each other on out progress. The gym has very much become a part of my life. I don't know what I would do if I didn't go..

Weight yourself regularly and take pictures. Every 3 or 4 days weight yourself, and keep a journal. I use bodybuilding.com. They have a great forum and "bodyspace" journal for you to track your progress. Every month, take a picture of yourself, with your shirt off, in the mirror. You see yourself every day. You don't notice the changes in yourself. Looking at a journal with your weight dropping like NASDAQ in the stock market is fucking awesome! It's gratification at it's best! Also looking at pictures of what you used to look like vrs what you look like now. Is Awesome..

Stay positive. It's hard at first to keep with the program, results are never come as fast as you want them to, and you are going to fuck up. Don't let it get to you, learn from your mistakes and keep your vision. You have a goal and you have to maintain it. Once you're in far enough, it's a life style and there is nothing you can do to fuck it up.. Once a month or 2 passes and you look at your journals and before and after pictures, you'll be in to deep. You'll be hooked.

And the hardest thing of all for most people. Weed and beer.. Weed is great, I mean it's fucking awesome. But it kills your motivation, and it gives you the munchies.. For the first month, just as a kick start, don't smoke any weed till you're done your workout. After, smoke, but not a shit ton, and follow your plan! do not deviate from your meal plans. Drink Lots of water, munch on celery and apples and carrots.. Not Chips and pop and chocolate bars.. And finally Beer, beer is the worst of them all.. It's full of carbs, the alcohol inhibits muscle growth and kills your metabolism.. It screws up your will power and fucks your decision making ability. Carbs turn to sugar and fat in your system, drinking a beer is the same as drinking a can of coke. That's why people get "beer belly". If you have to drink, drink wine or hard alcohol with sugar free mix. And only drink one or two, even one or two is bad for you, but not as bad as getting drunk. I personally stopped smoking weed and drinking all together, I don't even smoke weed now, But soon I'll get back to smoking it, in a vaporizer, onec and a while, after a workout, before bed. And that's it. But that's just me..

Do what you want, try all of these and work your own system out. Different things work differently for different people. Some need to drink more water, some need more protein, some work beer in to a meal plan, some smoke pot just before they get to the gym (I don't know how the stay motivated). No one way is the right way for everyone. But these guidelines will work for everyone, you may just have to tweak things here and there to make it right for you. Start off slow, don't jump in over your head right off that bad, this is the best way to fail. If you get in over your head, you'll just give up and never do it again. Start off easy and work up to it..

Hope this helps man, and anyone else interested.. If you have any questions or want advice/help. Give me a PM. I would love to hear from you.

Edit: Added some pictures..
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spose thats the new plan, cant wait, no more junk food, maybe ill feel better and be bothered to go out instead of gettin stoned eatin a vindaloo and pissin out a window.


Well-Known Member
drink water.Fuck diet soda.and jog a few miles a day or play a lot of basketball.

I only drink water and jog a few miles every week/hit the heavy bag and speed bag.I eat chinese food almost every day,smoke ciggarettes and im still in great shape.


New Member
weight loss has to be looked at wholistically i think

pay attention to WHAT you eat...and then WHEN you eat it. takes discipline. create a regimen and adhere to it...and adhere to a consistent sleep schedule. the hormones that regulate your metabolism are affected directly through your circadium rhythym/sleep cycle. if you wake up at dawn and settle down/do relaxing activities from sunset to sleep-time, you'll probably notice hormonal changes (more energy at dawn...higher testosterone levels too (huge metabolic boost)

some doctors call melatonin "the most important hormone" ...it's also the most potent antioxidant apparently

now for diet...view your food like fuel for your "machine" (body)

morning time- get some fruits (quick-burning fuel...whole fruits though. fiber regulates speed of digestion so you stay full/satisfied longer...whereas fruit juice is often from concentrate, has been pasteurized/refined and is of no nutritional value. it's plant sugar (fructose)

Have a raw honey-banana-peanut butter sandwich on toasted whole grain bread or some oats with berries

keep fluid intake UP. fill up a big SAFE reuseable water bottle (i have a nice metal one) that doesn't leech grossness like plastic does...and take it with you for the day.

*the world relies on convenience and preparation, so think ahead. again- losing weight requires discipline*

As a general rule of thumb- to avoid eating heavily-processed foods, try to buy nothing but WHOLE FOODS. you might have to dedicate more time to preparation and planning, but this is fun when your making your menus for the week

try not to eat anything out of a box. especially if it contains more than 5 ingredients.

processed food is cheap, so you will have to spend your money wisely if you want to lose weight and keep it off. i started gardening vegetables (and then ganj too) to save a shitload of money on groceries.


Well-Known Member
no im in manchester lol at uni, its shite, i live by myself in a nice flat, all i do is eat study n smoke, i know no one here and no one knows me, i have very few "friends" and the only ones i have im sure are just ere coz i buy them shit and draw them for free, there are amazing partys at the "uni blocks" as i call them whilst im bout an hour away from them in a very boring slightly more middle class part where the only thing i can remotly call fun to do at night is piss out the window and hope to hear someone in the street scream, i have my cat and a drobe of plants and thats pretty much my life now, not exaclty the barrels of fun i was expecting. hows shit 4 u?
im good m8 same old shit, why did you go up to manchester to study bit fair aint it?


Well-Known Member
Look up recommended daily calory intake, then look at the nutrition info on a bottle of coke....

Oh and eat less... actualy wait eat more.

Oh and importantly have a cereal breakfast within an hour of getting up.
the trick is to eat healthy stuff regularly during the day, this prevents your blood sugars etc seesawing all day long, leading to binge eating.
Lotsa rice is good, as it fills you up leaving less space for sweet treats. Buy fruit instead of sweets.


Active Member
Make your own food at home, from fresh organic ingredients. Fast food is way shittier than you think...Making even the same exact thing at home tends to be healthier. Eat at least one green per meal.

When you're stoned, its easy to over-eat, or eat just because you are bored or something...You dont really realize this until you have been broke, and can only eat when your stomach growls. In those times ive learned to drop all the bullshit and just get the bare essentials like meat, starch, and greens. Snacks and sweets are expensive empty calories.


Well-Known Member
Im skinny as a twig... i am 6 foot+ and weigh like 140 pounds. I used to weigh up in the 180's and used to be alot shorter I cut back on snacking and didn't eat much around meal times and ran a mile 3 times a week which burned the fat off within 1 month also drink alot of water and take your multivitamins :]

Easiest way to loose weight:
Jog 2-3 times a week (about a mile)
Cut back on food (snacks and eat less at meal time)
Drink alot of water
take your multivitamins

Also what helps tone your body and build muscle while burning fat is doing some push ups and sit ups a few times a week as-well.
after 1 month of this you will feel amazing and look healthy and fit.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
argos have an offer on at the mo £250 pound for an everlast treadmill and cross trainer both decent for the price, work out and smoke at the same time in front of the tv you can't go wrong mate


Well-Known Member
argos have an offer on at the mo £250 pound for an everlast treadmill and cross trainer both decent for the price, work out and smoke at the same time in front of the tv you can't go wrong mate
AGAIN, GENIUS! i would do it but i got a gym membership so i have access to some high tec treadmills which just move abit more steadily and have a nice beep lol today i went shoppin at some organi veggy n fruit place, half the people in there looked like middle class hippys, this orgnaic cola taste like shit lol, right now ive got a homemade pizza cookin, food tech was actually quite a usefull lesson. i have also been smokin some organic strawberry kush so im feelin bless. this is a great banger for when ur stoned:



Well-Known Member
im good m8 same old shit, why did you go up to manchester to study bit fair aint it?
i dont like london, i know you dont believe me, my record was so bad that only this uni would accept me, also i wanted to get away from my old life, i have what i came for, now ive moved on, also this place has a local hydro shop so i can get my grow supplies wenever i need, i mainly chose this place coz it was silent(kinda backfired) after the constant pace of london life i just wanted to get away study have some fun like a normal 18 yr old, which is why i say im 18, i also tell people im from north london lol the biggest prob is i know no one and there are already the lil cliques so the only people around me are people lookin to get free draws, every time i find a nice girl i bring her back she sees all my stuff and automatically wants sex and the big breakfast and me to buy her shit and i cant stand that, the only good thing bout my life is i buy almost anything i want, im surrounded by a digital world yet all this stuff means nothing without good friends. i got a letter sent to me by my mum that 2 of my real mates r goin down afetr bein caught with 2 keys, the grower simply dissapeared. i am alone, im not rreally enjoying it, in the words of marley, "money cant buy life"