so your saying that if weed became legal no one would want high quality? people will always want the best weed and be willing to pay for it and that means someone will always be there to produce it and sell it. whether it is legal or not.will cause not only the econemy to fall but the grade of erb will to!
yup! i agree with ya... people will always pay for quality stuff... shit i drop about 3 hundred on a pair of jeans... i hear you can get cheaper jeans for like 50 bucks? but i like my jeans.... so how long we gonna cry about this? till 2012?so your saying that if weed became legal no one would want high quality? people will always want the best weed and be willing to pay for it and that means someone will always be there to produce it and sell it. whether it is legal or not.
this mentality i dont understand...the government is in a hole right now for using hard working americans earned money and have nothing to show for it but debt...they lock ppl away everyday for years maybe life for consuming a holy plant! a plant that the US was founded on! they brought the herb here and they wena bout showin everyone its many uses! and they realised money was to be made by taken this plant away and makin the ppl have to come to the government for these products and medicine the mj plant can produce!...they take take take and then fix a road or to or pay for ur check up...y would yet again give them the control over yet another thing? a natural plant at that? the government isnt lookin to help the ppl of california or the name and history of herb! they are looking to get rich off of our hard earned money yet again! wouldnt u rather pay someone u kno is goin go down the street and spend that money at ur mommas store? than a government that would spend it on who knows what untill it runs out and more!? idk man look at the bigger picture! fight for the herb to be free! fight for it to b grown bac in its natural settings and light and free the ppl that have been put away for it! fight for freedom dont fight to make the government more rich at our exspense! prop 19 does not legalize herb it just taxes it!it may not have fixed all of it but it would have generated a significant amount of revenue to offset these issues. that is an undisputed fact.
what im saying is the ppl that are being given the money and resources to create the hig quality seeds we grow will be out of a job and we will not have that option to get that seed! there will be very few seedbanks that can pay that tax let alone get the permission to obtain a permit! the prices will soar! bringing down the economy in everyway possible im not saying there wont be grade im saying there wont be the $ and resources there to keep perfecting the herb!so your saying that if weed became legal no one would want high quality? people will always want the best weed and be willing to pay for it and that means someone will always be there to produce it and sell it. whether it is legal or not.
Sounds like home already! Okay, so there's gotta be snow (2nd xmas w/out snow this year )Come up here to Wa state brotha! Or and Wa have the best MMJ laws! All the other states MMJ laws don't let you have as much plants/bud on you at a time.
you sound ridiculous. i dont know about you but any seeds i ever bought came from outside the us. you think that if cali had legalized weed and taxed it in their state then no one in the entire world would be able to keep producing high quality seeds and stay in business? i dont think YOU are seeing the big picture. california did not invent weed other regions have been perfecting it for thousands of years and california taxing it will not stop that.what im saying is the ppl that are being given the money and resources to create the hig quality seeds we grow will be out of a job and we will not have that option to get that seed! there will be very few seedbanks that can pay that tax let alone get the permission to obtain a permit! the prices will soar! bringing down the economy in everyway possible im not saying there wont be grade im saying there wont be the $ and resources there to keep perfecting the herb!
and another fact wtf makes ppl think that prop 19 would make countries the rest of the us follow suit? there not even doin it for mmj lets be real!
6000 a pound would be nice. I took a trip to vegas to meet a guy off here in hi hopes of sumthing like that. i gave him a ounce to show around he kept it and smoked it so I just lost hella money gamblingThat isn't enough, especially considering someone else is making all your profit!!! No offense but you can make 6k a Lb. for anything quality in my part of town on the street. However, I'm not condoning selling it, but you can do what you want. I guess that is kind of the up side of it being totally out lawed here.
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! LOL Lesson learned.6000 a pound would be nice. I took a trip to vegas to meet a guy off here in hi hopes of sumthing like that. i gave him a ounce to show around he kept it and smoked it so I just lost hella money gambling
Dude...Your fucking twelve, go have your big brother buy you another bag and calm, you related bud topills...
well it is a job. but 19 still should of passed.
it could of been a huge step for cali.
i can care less really, i have my card.
but the extra 25 square ft to grow would
have been nice. but its not over.
there are RUMORS, and rumors only, is that there full blown attacking
medical mariijuana next. all because this failed.
liie i said rumors. but those who did vote no,
prolly should of educated yourselfs in the inactive a bit more.
just saying. as well as all that voted no and tokes.
proved our government, you pot heads are sheeps.
will belive what there told with out visable research proving it correct.
but like i said i dgaf about it.
i can still have the full p as well as 100 sq feet, 99 plants.
2012 will be the next vote, prolly wont pass then as well.
everyone just get your card, 55 dollars at berkley, hollywood ca
wilcox ave
Arizona was my cash camel. 10,000 a pound of high grade bud. To be fair, it was at a time when you could only get dirt and driving there 3 times a month was a pain in the ass. Good luck trying that now. They have cracked down BIG time and everyone from cali is shipping in it now.What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! LOL Lesson learned.
True that! I have people waiting for my crop in AZ. The goverment here in Cali just fucks off our tax money anyway. That's why this state is broke! We have over 100 city workers making over $250,000 a year and that's where our taxes go. To city councils pockets not our roads, school teachers, ect.... This state has been fucked because of goverment and there greed!! Seriously we might have a chance if we stopped supporting every illegal who has a kid here, and held welfare down to 1 year perperson instead of generation after generation. I know I'm falling off the thread here but fuck these state workers who do nothing but milk the system and just look for new ways to keep the gravy train going. If our taxes actually did something good maybe we would all feel different about prop 19.Arizona was my cash camel. 10,000 a pound of high grade bud. To be fair, it was at a time when you could only get dirt and driving there 3 times a month was a pain in the ass. Good luck trying that now. They have cracked down BIG time and everyone from cali is shipping in it now.
Maybe I am confused by your post...but Mexico's Military and cartels are not taking anything from the USA. All they are getting are some labor intense jobs, that no American wants. All us armed Americans got your back on that. No offense Mexico, if your legal Welcome. Illegals wont think about stepping foot on MY land, taking My girl,or putting a rope on my neck. Guard dogs, video cams and high powered arms, stear clear of this area or you better believe .556 rounds coming down like rain. Our Military men and women will own Mexico. Our men, and women that serve and our citizens are way stronger than the Mexican military and Cartels. I may be against politicians, but I love my country and the people that fight for it. We may need to fix a few things in this country but As the old saying goes "God bless America"!!!!!The vote was yes or no! So no voters won,or did they?Land wars now face you living in old Mex.
We took their land and now they are set to take it back! Who can stop them? Seems their rights are a little stronger. Their will to kill stronger! Now that you can't buy pot you better buy a few guns! This toker saids they will shot you dead in your bed just to get your girl to give THEM head,them she's dead!Thanks for the vote,I'll sit and toke, and think and hope they don't find you at the end of a ROPE!
If it is chron with over 20% THC and you split it up you can get $480 each Oz with ease. I know a guy that would pay 6k right now if someone brought him a lb. of kush. That is how dry this area is. I personally, do not get mixed up with that because I like to stay a nice quiet smoker.6000 a pound would be nice. I took a trip to vegas to meet a guy off here in hi hopes of sumthing like that. i gave him a ounce to show around he kept it and smoked it so I just lost hella money gambling
Damn straight brother!!!!!! I will say I've never left Vegas unhappy.What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! LOL Lesson learned.
im not talking about it now if it was to pass tomorro im talkin about the econmy as a whole its not goin to fall outa sync wen we wake up tomorro ass...and obviously u can get seeds away but what im talkin about is what the ppl who say yes are trying to accomplish which is a ripple affect across the world ur callin me narrow minded to the bigger picture ur the one who is only thinkin about now...wha ti think is rediculous is u wanna take all the profits and legal and illegal bud out of the hands of me and u and into the hands of the government thats just retarded to me!! the bigger picture doesnt mean tomorro or friday or saturday it means a frew years down the line..if u cant see that what ive stated makes perfect sense than idk wat to tell u...all i can say is ur being narrow minded and just want to fight so u can smoke it...prop 19 is not the way to go about it...look at amsterdam and there laws there legal system is working wonders for the community and the government do u think they would change it for a prop 19? i def. dont think so! they see the powers of the erb and it remains free to all just got to go to a cafe! y do u want to give government the right to tax the fuck out of a natural god made herb? makes no sense! imagin for every tomatoe u grow there is a limit and a tax for it... eventual the herb will be controlled then commercialized then taxed! takin money out of the peoples hands and into the already rich government officials!you sound ridiculous. i dont know about you but any seeds i ever bought came from outside the us. you think that if cali had legalized weed and taxed it in their state then no one in the entire world would be able to keep producing high quality seeds and stay in business? i dont think YOU are seeing the big picture. california did not invent weed other regions have been perfecting it for thousands of years and california taxing it will not stop that.
There are so many problems they could fix like the ones you listed! Instead they think Prop 19 was going to solve all their problems!True that! I have people waiting for my crop in AZ. The goverment here in Cali just fucks off our tax money anyway. That's why this state is broke! We have over 100 city workers making over $250,000 a year and that's where our taxes go. To city councils pockets not our roads, school teachers, ect.... This state has been fucked because of goverment and there greed!! Seriously we might have a chance if we stopped supporting every illegal who has a kid here, and held welfare down to 1 year perperson instead of generation after generation. I know I'm falling off the thread here but fuck these state workers who do nothing but milk the system and just look for new ways to keep the gravy train going. If our taxes actually did something good maybe we would all feel different about prop 19.
Dude...Your fucking twelve, go have your big brother buy you another bag and calm down.