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  1. Skunk Baxter

    algae in rockwool? PICS

    I just posted a fairly detailed reply to your other thread in the "Indoor" forum. You might find it helpful. Good luck!
  2. Skunk Baxter

    wtf is that green stuff? about to give up

    What's the ph of your rockwool? Have you checked the ph of the nute mix to see if it's still 5.6? What do the roots look like that are growing out of the bottoms of the cubes? White and healthy, or dark and soggy? How carefully did your friend water them? From the way they look, i wouldn't be...
  3. Skunk Baxter

    Under the Stairs

    I guarantee they'll start going down there a lot more often when they begin to wonder where the hell that skunky smell is coming from. This will not work. Think of something else.
  4. Skunk Baxter

    Growing in plain view?

    Well, not to be too obvious, but I'd be careful not to plant too close to a walkway or an alley. Even if they're behind a fence, it's amazing how easily someone strolling through the hood can catch a whiff if the wind is right.
  5. Skunk Baxter

    Outdoor grow in Minnesota?

    Oh, and as for ordering seeds - I do it every year, in fact several times a year. I've never had a problem.
  6. Skunk Baxter

    Outdoor grow in Minnesota?

    I grow skunk, big bud, mango, and even white widow just across the river from southern Minnesota. You definitely don't want to grow a pure sativa. What part of the state you in? The growing season varies widely from the Minnesota River Valley to the Iron Range. By a factor of a couple of weeks...
  7. Skunk Baxter

    so im kinda worried......

    I hate using that shit myself, but if it's all you've got it's all you've got. It'll still work. The problem is when you're just starting seeds in that soil; it can be hard on young roots. But if your baby's a half meter tall, it won't hurt her a bit.
  8. Skunk Baxter

    First Grow - Newbie Questions

    Find out when the average first frost is for your area; that'll tell you more than what week the leaves turn yellow. You want to get them in before the frost if you can, although I've gotten decent harvests a couple of weeks after an early frost. Everything just works out a whole lot better on a...
  9. Skunk Baxter

    These Fans Are The Real Deal !!

    I think that's because - being magic smoke and all - it only works in whatever appliance it originally came in. I figure that must be the way the spell works. If you try to put different smoke into a device that's lost its magic smoke, the new smoke will not have the proper magic. It's the only...
  10. Skunk Baxter

    How Long Did Your Seeds Take to Arrive?

    I've ordered numerous times from BC Seedking, and it's never taken more than a week to get my seeds. A couple of times, I've ordered on a Sunday, and gotten them by Friday. Peak Seeds has also been very fast in my experience; seldom takes more than a week, if that.
  11. Skunk Baxter

    These Fans Are The Real Deal !!

    Ah, yes. The magic smoke. Once the magic smoke escapes, it will never work again. Just basic science!
  12. Skunk Baxter

    Mylar/Foylon vs Aluminum Foil *Title Fight*

    This is completely false. Nowhere on that link does it say anything at all about Mylar. Your link refers to a broad category of plastic films used in a wide variety of applications, some of which may or may not include Mylar, but none of which are specifically identified in your article. As you...
  13. Skunk Baxter

    best paint to get?

    Well, it's in the roofing area, not the paint department. You might have been looking in the wrong aisle. I'd be wary of anything marketed as ceiling paint; typically, people don't want their ceilings to be very reflective because it creates glare spots. It may not be a very reflective paint...
  14. Skunk Baxter

    Sizing Grow Area

    Several hundred of those 1000 watts are just going to go shooting off into the corners of the room instead of reflecting back onto the plants where they belong. I don't have a link to verify it, but my understanding is that as much as 30% of your light will be lost if the sides are open. That's...
  15. Skunk Baxter

    best paint to get?

    I'm using a flat white roof paint from Home Depot, rated as 90% reflective according to the label on the can. I have a 1000w light in the flowering room, and it's literally blinding in there. I can't work in there without sunglasses. 6 bucks a gallon, and I'm very happy with it thus far.
  16. Skunk Baxter

    CANADA the latest I can start a crop?

    Your first frost comes in late October? In Canada? What part of Canada are you in? I live in southern Wisconsin, and we can get frost anytime after mid-September. I'd make sure you have your frost dates right before you plan any further, because you may be in for an unhappy surprise.
  17. Skunk Baxter

    Just been handed the holy grail!!!

    I dunno, man. If that were my basement the plumber was sniffing around in, I'd be very concerned. Think about it - some total stranger now knows you're growing dope in your basement. How comfortable do you feel with that? I know I'd be extremely uncomfortable. The first rule of security is that...
  18. Skunk Baxter

    Humboldt County Nutrients

    Thanks for the responses, guys. Yeah, I've been using the Master A, Master B, and Verde in veg for about a week now, and the only problem I can see so far is that you need to be very quick when you use it - because if you don't jump back the instant you add it to the rockwool, the plant will...
  19. Skunk Baxter

    NEW GROWERS:harden off your plants!!!

    Wait a minute. Some of you guys spend an entire month getting your plants used to being outdoors before you put them in full sun? You've got to be kidding! Do you have any idea how much growth you probably cost them? What's the point of starting them early indoors if you're not even going to...
  20. Skunk Baxter

    Smell...questions in different growing conditions

    I don't think there's much you can do, really. It's just going to do what it's going to do. Personally, I've never found it to be a problem, because I scatter my plants around and space them pretty widely. Maybe if we had some more details about your specific circumstances, it would help - like...