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  1. Skunk Baxter

    Cripes! I'm On A pH Roller Coaster!!!!

    Well, to update - it's apparently not the hydroton. I did an Official Scientific Test. I dipped out 3 plastic cups of the nute mix, and checked the pH on all three. pH reaqd 4.8. I left 1 cup alone, put a hgandful of hydroton in another, and a handful of Hydromite or somethig like that in the...
  2. Skunk Baxter

    help! white widow plant is dying.

    Another question - was there a point sometime in the last week or so, shortly before this started happening, that you went longer than you should have between waterings and the soil dried out excessively? That can damage the roots to the point that even when you begin watering normally again...
  3. Skunk Baxter

    help! white widow plant is dying.

    That's not nitrogen. It's not a nutrient deficiency at all. That plant looks like it needs water. When you stick your finger a couple of inches down into the soil, is the soil damp? What are your temps in that room, and how close is the light?
  4. Skunk Baxter

    Cripes! I'm On A pH Roller Coaster!!!!

    Thanks a lot for the quick replies, guys. I forgot to mention, I'm using distilled water with a neutral pH. And I did calibrate the pH meter 3 days ago, and am cleaning it carefully after each use and storing it in buffer solution. You know, I'll bet you're on to something there. Last week, I...
  5. Skunk Baxter

    GH WaterFarm 8 Pack - pump time

    You mean the air pump, or the circulator pump?
  6. Skunk Baxter

    Mr. Nice Black Widow - Available Anywhere?

    Anyone know of any seedbanks that have Mr. Nice Black Widow in stock? Prefeably one that ships to the US, seeing as how that's where I live? Every bank I've found that lists that strain shows out of stock. I'd really like to do a comparison between that and a couple of other strains of White...
  7. Skunk Baxter

    Cripes! I'm On A pH Roller Coaster!!!!

    I'm using a General Hydroponics Waterfarm 8-pack for the first time, and I'm having extreme pH fluctuations. The pH rises a full point and a half, almost 2 points in every 24-hour period. Here are the facts of the case - For various reasons, I took the reservoir and controller out of the...
  8. Skunk Baxter

    Roots poking through bottom

    That's no problem. In fact, it's good news, because it means you have healthy plants with a strong root system. You don't need to worry until the plants start to get rootbound, but all that's happening with yours is that the roots are just aggressively seeking out new space to grow into. Most of...
  9. Skunk Baxter

    brown rust spots

    You'd better put it back! Somebody's going to be looking for it, and we'll all get in trouble! :cuss:
  10. Skunk Baxter

    Curling Up, Curling Down, Drooping, Yellowing. Out Of Ideas

    That's what I was going to say too, especially when i saw that you'd switched to bottled drinking water instead of distilled water. My ex-girlfriend and I learned that lesson the hard way once when she decided to start using bottled drinking water instead of tap water in her aquarium. The pH...
  11. Skunk Baxter

    HELP!!! Ripped the tip of one leaf off on accident!

    Your plant will die in a matter of minutes, and when it topples over, it'll almost certainly take down all your other plants as well. The worst thing is, when something like this happens, marijuana plants release a chemical that you can never get out of your grow room, and it will kill any other...
  12. Skunk Baxter

    wtf is that green stuff? about to give up

    No, don't put fish in your reservoir. That's just going to create fish problems in the reservoir without solving the algae problem in the rockwool. Picasso's right, the way to kill algae is take away the light. I don't know what sort of system you're using, but if you've got the rock wool in...
  13. Skunk Baxter

    I just broke the stalk...

    You'd better, or we'll all delete our replies, damn it! :cuss: Just kidding. Seriously, good luck man. It's a tough break, but hopefully you'll be able to salvage some decent clones out of it.
  14. Skunk Baxter

    I just broke the stalk...

    Oh, wait a minute - 4 feet tall, not 4 inches? Yeah, definitely start cutting clones. You can't save a 3-foot section of a mature plant.
  15. Skunk Baxter

    I just broke the stalk...

    You mean you broke it off completely? Because if that's what you did, you should be able to take the broken piece and clone it. I doubt very much it will survive if you just stick in water
  16. Skunk Baxter

    got sheetrock in my res is it ok

    I've often wondered what the effect of sheetrock dust would be on the Ph level of a hydro grow. I would think it would be very alkaline, but I don't know that for sure. And I'm way too tired to google it.
  17. Skunk Baxter

    A List of plants that look like Marijuana

    I've never understood why more people don't appear to use cleome to camouflage their weed. I mean, cripes, it looks more like marijuana than marijuana does.
  18. Skunk Baxter


    The color of marijuana plants is quite distinctive, but that doesn't mean it's easy to spot it from the air. You have to be down at a fairly low altitude just to pick it out, and the lower you are, the narrower your field of view. Have any of you guys ever been up in a helicopter? The ground is...
  19. Skunk Baxter

    leaves curling downwards only two leaves on one of two plants sharing a res

    It sounds like you're doing hydro, right? If so, that shoots this theory right out of the water. Growing hydroponically is a completely alien, artificial environment for plants. They evolved to work out their own problems in a soil medium, not a hydro medium. They're totally unequipped to sort...
  20. Skunk Baxter

    Is this PH related or Nute?

    Flush them with Clearex, let them dry for a couple of days, and start feeding again with a freshly-mixed batch of ph-balanced nute solution.