Roots poking through bottom


Well-Known Member
I have 6 plants under a 400w hps. About 4 days ago, I transplanted them from their starting cups into 6" pots. Today, I checked them, and 2 of them have a small white root starting to poke through the bottom drainage holes...

Since it's only been a short time since repotting them, is it way too soon to repot them again? Does the appearance of these roots at the bottom mean I need to repot right now??

The plants are only 2 weeks and 5 days old and I don't want to give them too much stress but at the same time I don't want to stop them from growing normally....

What should I do??

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
That's no problem. In fact, it's good news, because it means you have healthy plants with a strong root system. You don't need to worry until the plants start to get rootbound, but all that's happening with yours is that the roots are just aggressively seeking out new space to grow into. Most of the roots will stay inside the pot as long as there's soil in there for them to grow into, and the few that stage an escape won't hurt anything.

You should be good for quite a while yet. What are your plans for these plants? An indoor soil grow, or are you just getting an outdoor grow off to an early start?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the super fast replies!!! I have no plans to move the plants outside unless i'm forced to if you know what i Good to hear that they will be okay in these pots - I didn't think they needed repotting yet but I wanted to make sure since seeing the roots got my wondering...

TTO... I think I can push them back inside the pot - or gently point them in that take a look at the attached pic... the other one that's doing it looks much the same.