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  1. Skunk Baxter

    Police Warning B/f Busting A Grow??

    I always just leave a note in an envelope right next to my plants - "Dear Law Enforcement People; sorry to have missed you. Please leave a note letting me know when you plan on stopping by again, so that I can plan accordingly. Thank you, Larry Burlingson." I'm not really Larry Burlingson; he's...
  2. Skunk Baxter

    Harvesting multiple plots

    Yeah, that's pretty much the way to do it. I just chop the whole plant and take them by a zig-zag route into the woods some distance from the grow site. I spend the next hour or two in a well-concealed spot trimming the branches and watching the grow site, to make sure nobody wearing uniforms...
  3. Skunk Baxter

    Guerilla Q's: Area

    Grow next to swamps and wetlands, and you may never have to water. That's what I do, and I haven't watered in years. I can go a month without visiting my plants, if i have to. Just grow close to the water table.
  4. Skunk Baxter

    Where do i connect my timer!?

    That looks like the kind of plug they use in Germany. Germany's really cool. You should just move there, seeing as how you've already got the timer and everything.
  5. Skunk Baxter

    Best paint to use for wall

    Well, it says 90% solar reflectance, which means visible, infrared, and ultraviolet. Sounds right to me!
  6. Skunk Baxter

    Humboldt County Nutrients

    Does anyone here have any experience using Humboldt County Nutrients? My grow shop is really raving them up, and I'm thinking of switching. They look like a pretty good product, but I've never heard of them before. Anyone have anything to say about 'em one way or the other?
  7. Skunk Baxter

    Now's The Time To Scout Your Grow Sites - Revisited

    I;m not usually one for self-promotion, but a year ago I started a thread about winter scouting that a lot of people seemed to find helpful. I thought instead of bumping it, I'd just copy and paste the OP in a brand new thread, with a link back to the original thread. Hope people find this...
  8. Skunk Baxter

    Best paint to use for wall

    Wow, what an amazing coincidence. I picked up a can of white roof paint just 2 hours ago at Home Depot. It's not the same stuff you linked - mine only claims to be 90% reflective, not 97%. I'm planning on painting my flowering chamber with it tomorrow. If I can locate a can of that 97% stuff in...
  9. Skunk Baxter


    Make sure you put up signs all around your plants saying, "NO SKUNKS OR RACCOONS ALLOWED!". And put the signs down low, about 8 inches off the ground, so they can read them. If you put the signs up too high, the animals won't be able to read them, and it won't work. Lots of people who bury...
  10. Skunk Baxter

    Small airplane traffic a problem

    If they're only a mile away from the airport, they're not looking for marijuana plants. They're totally focused on landing the plane without crashing and dying. However, during this last half minute or so before landing, their eyes are focused forward and downward. Which increases the chance...
  11. Skunk Baxter

    Need help with exhaust.

    Hey, I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you. I couldn't find the thread! Here's the controller I was talking about - The controller I was talking about
  12. Skunk Baxter

    Exhaust and Intake

    For the room you're describing, yeah - definitely, if you're not using a filter. As for the timer, just play it by ear once you get the room set up and running. I just run mine on super-low speed pretty much all the time. When I turn it off, I start to get the odor. Another option is just to...
  13. Skunk Baxter

    Inline Fan Help!!!!

    The simplest way is to cut the female end of an extension cord off, and wire the cord directly into the power box on the fan. Then plug the male end of the cord directly into your power strip or surge protector or whatever. I'm no electrician, so I'm sure someone will come along shortly to...
  14. Skunk Baxter

    Germination question fast

    I don't believe it makes any difference at all. I germinate in paper towels and plastic bags right in my living room, in bright indirect sunlight, and often get 100% germination rates.
  15. Skunk Baxter

    People found my plants!!!!!

    I can't read your post. Slow down a bit and give us some more details.
  16. Skunk Baxter

    Midwest 2009 Outdoor Grow-Operation Plans

    Good point, and I've heard that it does. But I don't know if anything really works every time. You just have to accept that over the course of a season, you're going to lose some to the critters. I don't have much trouble with it, because I picked a site where there really aren't many deer or...
  17. Skunk Baxter

    Midwest 2009 Outdoor Grow-Operation Plans

    whiterain, just a quick question so we know where to start - is this your first big grow? As for the questions, I don't know about #1. I just use the soil in my grow sites. #2, no way is coyote urine going to keep deer away. wolf urine, maybe, but coyote urine is unlikely to impress a hungry...
  18. Skunk Baxter

    How Can I Start Growing Outdoors

    Yeah, I think it was Fdd who said it perfectly a couple of years ago - "if the choppers were that good, they'd find it all." Best way to beat the helicopters is to spread 'em out and mix 'em in with other plants. 3 or 4 plants 20 feet apart in a field full of other plants is almost impossible to...
  19. Skunk Baxter

    These Fans Are The Real Deal !!

    Better for what? Odor control for both chambers? I'm not sure what problem you're trying to solve here.
  20. Skunk Baxter

    Exhaust and Intake

    You probably don't even need an intake fan at all. How many CFM does your exhaust fan draw, and how airtight is your room? If you have any gaps under the doors, it'll probably pull enough air in by itself that you don't need to help it out any. If not, just cut or drill a couple of vent holes...