Exhaust and Intake


Active Member
Hi Im new here and just have a quick question. I have a 4' w x 4' l x 7' h insulated grow area. Should I vent the exhaust straight out to my roof seeing as I have a vent up there? I am going to set up a carbon scrubber on the exhaust.

Also another question for the intake, where should I intake the air from ? Should I just set it up so the fan brings in the cool air from around the grow box or should I bring in cool air from outside?

Thanks ahead of time.


Well-Known Member
Hey man wats up, yea you could exhaust ur air out to ur roof , just make sure that the carbon scrubber u attach works properly!!

and you should bring in fresh air from outside that room, u should renew the air in that room every 5- 10 mins to provide the plants fresh air! Also,if u decide to bring in air from the outside try to make the intake of the fresh air less than the air exhausted outside. Hope this helps!keep us updated!

Cheers man!

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
You probably don't even need an intake fan at all. How many CFM does your exhaust fan draw, and how airtight is your room? If you have any gaps under the doors, it'll probably pull enough air in by itself that you don't need to help it out any. If not, just cut or drill a couple of vent holes and cover them with fabric to keep the light out. I vent a room the same size as yours straight out my chimney, and I don't use a carbon filter at all. There typically aren't a whole lot of people marching around on my roof or clmbing in the trees next to the house, and I figure the chances that anyone will smell it down at street level are pretty much nonexistent.


Active Member
Thinking about getting a 100 cfm for exhaust, do I need more than that ? and do I need to put it on some sort of timer or run it at all times?
Thanks for your help

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Thinking about getting a 100 cfm for exhaust, do I need more than that ? and do I need to put it on some sort of timer or run it at all times?
Thanks for your help
For the room you're describing, yeah - definitely, if you're not using a filter. As for the timer, just play it by ear once you get the room set up and running. I just run mine on super-low speed pretty much all the time. When I turn it off, I start to get the odor. Another option is just to leave the fan off altogether except when you're expecting people over. Where I live, with a basement grow room that helps me keep the temps up in the winter.